The one-dimensional thermal consolidation problem

This example illustrates the use of Abaqus/Standard to model one-dimensional thermal consolidation. Consolidation behavior of a one-dimensional column of fully saturated soil subjected to constant surface loads and constant surface temperature is studied, and the results obtained are compared to those obtained by Aboustit et al. (1985).

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When soil is subjected to loads and temperature variation, a coupled system of equations that describe the deformation, pore fluid flow, and heat transfer through the soil must be solved to accurately predict the consolidation behavior.

Problem description

This problem can be considered as the thermal counterpart to The Terzaghi consolidation problem. The discussion presented in that section is equally applicable to this problem and is not repeated here. Figure 1 shows one-dimensional thermoelastic consolidation of a linear elastic soil column under constant surface pressure and constant surface temperature. The column is 7 units high and 2 units wide. The bottom of the column is restrained, and all sides of the column are impermeable except for the top surface where free flow is allowed. The top surface is subjected to a constant pressure of 1 unit and a constant temperature of 50 units. The soil is assumed to be fully saturated. Gravity is neglected. The material properties reported by Aboustit et al. (1985) are used. The soil is elastic with a modulus of 6000 units and Poisson's ratio of 0.4. The permeability of the soil is 4 × 10−6 units with a specific weight of 1 unit. Since Aboustit et al. (1985) used only one set of thermal properties, identical thermal properties for the solid and the pore fluid are used. The specific heat is 40 units, and the density is 1 unit. The conductivity of the soil as well as the pore fluid is 0.2 units, and the coefficient of thermal expansion is 0.3 × 10−6.

All displacements perpendicular to the sides are restrained to enforce one-dimensional behavior. The consolidation analysis is performed using a transient soils consolidation step with automatic time stepping. The time stepping for this problem is controlled by two parameters: one that controls the accuracy of time integration for the temperature field, and one that controls the accuracy of time integration for the pore fluid flow. The stability limit for the pore fluid solution is given by


which dictates the minimum time increment. Variables used in this equation are defined in Coupled Pore Fluid Diffusion and Stress Analysis. The mesh used is identical to the one used by Aboustit et al. (1985), which led to a minimum time increment of 0.1. Because of the applied surface load, the elements near the surface immediately acquire a pore pressure equal to the applied load; hence, a maximum pore pressure change per increment of 1.1 with an initial time increment of 0.1 is used. This ensures that time steps smaller than 0.1 are not used in the analysis to satisfy time integration accuracy for pore fluid flow. The value for the maximum allowable temperature change in an increment was chosen as 3 to avoid having to use time increments that were smaller than what the stability limit for pore fluid required. The value for the maximum allowable temperature change was obtained by first running the problem using only the value for the maximum pore pressure change and determining the incremental temperature change. The parameter values listed above result in a moderately accurate solution. If a more accurate solution is desired, a more refined mesh should be used.

Nonlinear geometric effects are not important in this problem due to small load magnitudes. Similarly due to very small fluid velocities, heat convection effects due to pore fluid flow are not dominant enough to necessitate the inclusion of unsymmetric stiffness. However, for completeness, we have chosen to activate geometric nonlinear analysis as well as unsymmetric stiffness. Results of small-strain analysis with symmetric stiffness are indistinguishable from the results presented. The time period for the step is 21.1, corresponding to the time at which the Abaqus/Standard results are compared to the reference solution.

Results and discussion

At the start of the analysis there is zero temperature throughout the domain except at the top surface, and the pore pressure equals the applied surface load as all of the load is carried by the pore fluid. As time progresses, the temperature front progresses from the top to the bottom and the applied surface load is transferred from the pore fluid to the soil skeleton as pore fluid exits at the top, reducing the pore pressure in the domain. In the steady-state limit, all of the domain has zero pore pressure and constant temperature equal to the applied surface temperature. The Abaqus/Standard solution for pore pressure and temperature are compared at time 21.1, when the temperature front has progressed some distance from the top surface and there is partial reduction of the pore pressure. The results are shown in Figure 2. The temperature and pore pressure values are normalized using the applied temperature and the applied surface pressure. The ordinate is normalized using the height of the soil column. Abaqus/Standard results compare well with those presented by Aboustit et al. (1985).

Input files


Mesh with C3D4PT elements.


Mesh with C3D4PHT elements.


Mesh with C3D4PH elements.


Mesh with C3D8PT elements.


Mesh with C3D8RPT elements.


Mesh with C3D8PHT elements.


Mesh with C3D8RPHT elements.


Mesh with C3D10MPT elements.


Mesh with C3D10PT elements.


Mesh with C3D10P elements.


Mesh with C3D10PH elements.


Mesh with C3D10PHT elements.


Mesh with CAX4PT elements.


Mesh with CAX4RPT elements.


Mesh with CAX4RPHT elements.


  1. Aboustit B. L.SHAdvani, and JKLee, Variational Principles and Finite Element Simulations for Thermo-Elastic Consolidation,” International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 9, pp. 4969, 1985.


Figure 1. One-dimensional thermal consolidation model.

Figure 2. Normalized temperature and pore pressure along the z-direction at time 21.1.