The geometry of the problem is defined in
Figure 1.
A square slab is supported in the transverse direction at its four corners and
loaded by a point load at its center. The slab is reinforced in two directions
at 75% of its depth. The reinforcement ratio (volume of steel/volume of
concrete) is 8.5 × 10−3 in each direction. The slab was tested
experimentally by McNeice (1967) and has been analyzed by a number of workers,
including Hand et al. (1973), Lin and Scordelis (1975), Gilbert and Warner
(1978), Hinton et al. (1981), and Crisfield (1982).
Symmetry conditions allow us to model one-quarter of the slab. A 3 × 3 mesh
of 8-node shell elements is used for the
analysis. No mesh convergence studies have been performed, but the reasonable
agreement between the analysis results and the experimental data suggests that
the mesh is adequate to predict overall response parameters with usable
accuracy. Three different meshes are used in
to assess the sensitivity of the results to mesh refinement: a coarse 6 × 6
mesh, a medium 12 × 12 mesh, and a fine 24 × 24 mesh of S4R elements. Nine integration points are used through the thickness
of the concrete to ensure that the development of plasticity and failure is
modeled adequately. The two-way reinforcement is modeled using layers of
uniaxial reinforcement (rebars). Symmetry boundary conditions are applied on
the two edges of the mesh, and the corner point is restrained in the transverse
Material properties
The material data are given in
Table 1.
The material properties of concrete are taken from Gilbert and Warner (1978).
Some of these data are assumed values, because they are not available for the
concrete used in the experiment. The assumed values are taken from typical
concrete data. The compressive behavior of concrete in the cracking model in
is assumed to be linear elastic. This is a reasonable assumption for a case
such as this problem, where the behavior of the structure is dominated by
cracking resulting from tension in the slab under bending.
The modeling of the concrete-reinforcement interaction and the energy
release at cracking is of critical importance to the response of a structure
such as this once the concrete starts to crack. These effects are modeled in an
indirect way by adding “tension stiffening” to the plain concrete model. This
approach is described in
A cracking model for concrete and other brittle materials,
Concrete Smeared Cracking,
Cracking Model for Concrete.
The simplest tension stiffening model defines a linear loss of strength beyond
the cracking failure of the concrete. In this example three different values
for the strain beyond failure at which all strength is lost (5 ×
10−4, 1 × 10−3, and 2 × 10−3) are used to
illustrate the effect of the tension stiffening parameters on the response.
Since the response is dominated by bending, it is controlled by the material
behavior normal to the crack planes. The material's shear behavior in the plane
of the cracks is not important. Consequently, the choice of shear retention has
no significant influence on the results. In
the shear retention chosen is exhausted at the same value of the crack opening
at which tension stiffening is exhausted. In
full shear retention is used because it provides a more efficient numerical
Solution control
Since considerable nonlinearity is expected in the response, including the
possibility of unstable regimes as the concrete cracks, the modified Riks
method is used with automatic incrementation in the
analysis. With the Riks method the load data and solution parameters serve only
to give an estimate of the initial increment of load. In this case it seems
reasonable to apply an initial load of 1112 N (250 lb) to the quarter-model for
a total initial load on the structure of 4448 N (1000 lb). This can be
accomplished by specifying a load of 22241 N (5000 lb) and an initial time
increment of 0.05 out of a total time period of 1.0. The analysis is terminated
when the central displacement reaches 25.4 mm (1 in).
is a dynamic analysis program and in this case we are interested in static
solutions, the slab must be loaded slowly enough to eliminate any significant
inertia effects. The slab is loaded in its center by applying a velocity that
increases linearly from 0 to 2.0 in/second such that the center displaces a
total of 1 inches in 1 second. This very slow loading rate ensures quasi-static
solutions; however, it is computationally expensive. The
CPU time required for this analysis can be
reduced in one of two ways: the loading rate can be increased incrementally
until it is judged that any further increase in loading rate would no longer
result in a quasi-static solution, or mass scaling can be used (see
Explicit Dynamic Analysis).
These two approaches are equivalent. Mass scaling is used here to demonstrate
the validity of such an approach when it is used in conjunction with the
brittle cracking model. Mass scaling is done by increasing the density of the
concrete and the reinforcement by a factor of 100, thereby increasing the
stable time increment for the analysis by a factor of 10 and reducing the
computation time by the same amount while using the original slow loading rate.
Figure 4
shows the load-deflection response of the slab for analyses using the 12 × 12
mesh with and without mass scaling. The mass scaling used does not affect the
results significantly; therefore, all subsequent analyses are performed using
mass scaling.
Results and discussion
Results for each analysis are discussed in the following sections.
The numerical and experimental results are compared in
Figure 2
on the basis of load versus deflection at the center of the slab. The strong
effect of the tension stiffening assumption is very clear in that plot. The
analysis with tension stiffening, such that the tensile strength is lost at a
strain of 10−3 beyond failure, shows the best agreement with the
experiment. This analysis provides useful information from a design viewpoint.
The failure pattern in the concrete is illustrated in
Figure 3,
which shows the predicted crack pattern on the lower surface of the slab at a
central deflection of 7.6 mm (0.3 in).
Figure 5
shows the load-deflection response of the slab for the three different mesh
densities using a tension stiffening value of 2 × 10−3. Since the
coarse mesh predicts a slightly higher limit load than the medium and fine
meshes do and the limit loads for the medium and fine mesh analyses are very
close, the tension stiffening study is performed using the medium mesh only.
The numerical (12 × 12 mesh) results are compared to the experimental
results in
Figure 6
for the three different values of tension stiffening. It is clear that the less
tension stiffening used, the softer the load-deflection response is. A value of
tension stiffening somewhere between the highest and middle values appears to
match the experimental results best. The lowest tension stiffening value causes
more sudden cracking in the concrete and, as a result, the response tends to be
more dynamic than that obtained with the higher tension stiffening values.
Figure 7
shows the numerically predicted crack pattern on the lower surface of the slab
for the medium mesh.
Medium (12 × 12) mesh; tension stiffening = 2 × 10−3; no mass
Crisfield, M.A., “Variable
Step-Length for Nonlinear Structural
Analysis,” Report 1049, Transport and Road
Research Lab., Crowthorne,
England, 1982.
Gilbert, R.I., and R. F. Warner, “Tension
Stiffening in Reinforced Concrete
Slabs,” Journal of the Structural Division,
American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 104,
ST12, pp. 1885–1900, 1978.
Hand, F.D., D. A. Pecknold, and W. C. Schnobrich, “Nonlinear
Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Plates and
Shells,” Journal of the Structural Division,
American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 99,
ST7, pp. 1491–1505, 1973.
Hinton, E., H. H. Abdel
Rahman, and O. C. Zienkiewicz, “Computational
Strategies for Reinforced Concrete Slab
Systems,” International Association of Bridge
and Structural Engineering Colloquium on Advanced Mechanics of Reinforced
Concrete, pp. 303–313, 1981.
Lin, C.S., and A. C. Scordelis, “Nonlinear
Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shells of General
Form,” Journal of the Structural Division,
American Society of Civil
Engineers, vol. 101, pp. 523–238, 1975.
McNeice, A.M., “Elastic-Plastic
Bending of Plates and Slabs by the Finite Element
Method,” Ph. D. Thesis, London
University, 1967.
Table 1. Material properties for the McNeice slab.
are taken from Gilbert and Warner (1978) if available in that paper.
marked with a * are not available and are assumed values.
Young's modulus
28.6 GPa (4.15 × 106
Poisson's ratio
Uniaxial compression values:
Yield stress
20.68 MPa (3000 lb/in2)*
Failure stress
37.92 MPa (5500 lb/in2)
Plastic strain at failure
1.5 × 10−3*
Ratio of uniaxial tension
to compression failure stress
8.36 × 10−2
Ratio of biaxial to uniaxial
compression failure stress
Cracking failure stress
459.8 lb/in2 (3.17 MPa)
Density (before mass scaling)
2.246 × 10−4 lb
s2/in4 (2400 kg/m3)
stiffening” is assumed as a linear decrease of the stress to zero stress, at a
strain of 5 × 10−4, at a strain of 10 × 10−4, or at a
strain of 20 × 10−4.
Steel (rebar)
Young's modulus
200 GPa (29 × 106
Yield stress
345 MPa (50 × 103
Density (before mass scaling)
7.3 × 10−4 lb
s2/in4 (7800 kg/m3)
Figure 1. McNeice slab. Figure 2. Load-deflection response of McNeice slab,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 3. Crack pattern on lower surface of slab,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 4. Load-deflection response of McNeice slab,
influence of mass scaling. Figure 5. Load-deflection response of McNeice slab,
influence of mesh refinement. Figure 6. Load-deflection response of McNeice slab,
influence of tension stiffening. Figure 7. Crack pattern on lower surface of slab,