The example treated here corresponds to superplastic forming of a
rectangular box whose final dimensions are 1524 mm (60 in) long by 1016 mm (40
in) wide by 508 mm (20 in) deep with a 50.8 mm (2 in) flange around it. All
fillet radii are 101.6 mm (4 in). The box is formed by means of a uniform fluid
A quarter of the blank is modeled using 704 membrane elements of type M3D4. These are fully integrated bilinear membrane elements. The
initial dimensions of the blank are 1625.6 mm (64 in) by 1117.6 mm (44 in), and
the thickness is 3.175 mm (0.125 in). The blank is clamped at all its edges.
The flat initial configuration of the membrane model is entirely singular in
the normal direction unless it is stressed in biaxial tension. This difficulty
is prevented by applying a small biaxial initial stress of 6.89 kPa (1
lb/in2) by means of the initial stress conditions.
The female die is modeled as a rigid body and is meshed with rigid R3D3 elements. The rigid surface can be defined by grouping together
those faces of the 231 R3D3 elements used to model the die that face the contact direction.
Figure 1
for an illustration of the rigid element mesh.
To avoid having points “fall off” the rigid surface during the course of the analysis, more than
a quarter of the die has been modeled, as shown in Figure 2. It is always a good idea to extend the rigid surface far enough so that contacting nodes
will not slide off the main surface.
By default,
generates a unique normal to the rigid surface at each node point, based on the
average of the normals to the elements sharing each node. There are times,
however, when the normal to the surface should be specified directly. This is
discussed in
Node Definition.
In this example the flange around the box must be flat to ensure compatibility
between the originally flat blank and the die. Therefore, an outer normal (0,
1, 0) has been specified at the 10 nodes that make up the inner edge of the
flange. This is done by entering the direction cosines after the node
coordinates. The labels of these 10 vertices are 9043, 9046, 9049, 9052, 9089,
9090, 9091, 9121, 9124, and 9127; and their definitions can be found in