Coupled thermomechanical analysis of viscoelastic dampers

This example examines the response of a viscoelastic damper under cyclic loading with the damper material modeled as a linear viscoelastic material using a Prony series calibrated to capture the hysteresis response accurately.

The following Abaqus features and techniques are demonstrated:

  • using Prony-series viscoelasticity to account for material hysteresis,

  • using the thermorheologically simple (TRS) material model to account for temperature dependence in a viscoelastic material,

  • accounting for heat generated by mechanical energy dissipation through coupled temperature-displacement analysis, and

  • comparing the response of a structure experiencing large deformations using elastic or hyperelastic material models.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Fully Coupled Thermal-Stress Analysis
Time Domain Viscoelasticity
