models the electrical current flowing between two surfaces as
where J is the electrical current density flowing across the interface from
point A on one surface to point B on the other, and are the electrical potentials on opposite points on the surfaces, and is the gap electrical conductance. Point A
corresponds to a node on the secondary surface of the contact pair. Point
B is the point of the main surface in contact with point
You can provide the electrical conductance directly or in user subroutine
Defining Gap Electrical Conductance Directly
When the gap electrical conductance is defined directly,
assumes that
is the average of the surface temperatures at A and
is the clearance between A and B,
is the contact pressure transmitted across the interface between
A and B, and
is the average of any predefined field variables at A
and B.
Defining Gap Electrical Conductance as a Function of Clearance
You can create a table of data defining the dependence of
on the variables listed above. The default in
is to make
a function of the clearance, d. When
is a function of gap clearance, d, the tabular data must
start at zero clearance (closed gap) and define
as a function of the clearance. The value of
remains constant for clearances outside of the interval defined by the data
points. If gap electrical conductance is not also defined as a function of
contact pressure,
will remain constant at the zero clearance value for all pressures, as shown in
Figure 1(a).
Figure 1. Examples of defining the gap electrical conductance as a function of
clearance (a) or contact pressure (b).
Defining Gap Electrical Conductance as a Function of Contact Pressure
You can define
as a function of the contact pressure, p. When
is a function of contact pressure at the interface, the tabular data must start
at zero contact pressure (or, in the case of contact that can support a tensile
force, the data point with the most negative pressure) and define
as p increases. The value of
remains constant for contact pressures outside of the interval defined by the
data points. If gap electrical conductance is not also defined as a function of
is zero for all positive values of clearance and discontinuous at zero
clearance, as shown in
Figure 1(b).
For a coupled thermal-electrical analysis, the contact pressure is always zero
since there are no displacement degrees of freedom. Consequently, gap
electrical conductance at zero contact pressure is adopted for a closed initial
contact status. When the contact status is open, a gap electrical conductance
value that is a function of clearance (if provided) or a zero value is chosen.
Gap Electrical Conductance as a Function of Both Clearance and Contact Pressure
You can define
to depend on both clearance and pressure. A discontinuity in
is allowed at
and .
Once contact occurs, the conductance is always evaluated based on the portion
of the curve that defines the pressure dependence. The gap electrical
conductance, ,
remains constant for contact pressures outside of the interval defined by the
data points. The pressure dependence of
is extended into the negative pressure region even if no data points with
negative pressure are included.
Defining Gap Electrical Conductance to Be a Function of Predefined Field Variables
The gap electrical conductance can be dependent on any number of
predefined field variables, .
By default, it is assumed that the electrical conductivity depends only on the
surface separation and, possibly, on the average interface temperature.
Defining Gap Electrical Conductance Using User Subroutine GAPELECTR
is defined in user subroutine
GAPELECTR, there is greater flexibility in specifying the
dependencies of
than there is using direct tabular input. For example, it is no longer
necessary to define
as a function of the average of the two surfaces' temperatures or field
Modeling Heat Generated by Electrical Conduction between Surfaces
can include the effect of heat generated by electrical conduction between
surfaces in a coupled thermal-electrical and a fully coupled
thermal-electrical-structural analysis. By default, all dissipated electrical
energy is converted to heat and distributed equally between the two surfaces.
You can modify the fraction of electrical energy that is released as heat and
the distribution between the two surfaces; see
Modeling Heat Generated by Nonthermal Surface Interactions
for details.
Surface-Based Output Variables for Electrical Contact Property Models
provides the following output variables related to the electrical interaction
of surfaces:
Electric current per unit area leaving secondary surface.
ECD multiplied by the area associated with the
secondary node.