Damage Initiation Criterion
Abaqus offers a variety of choices of damage initiation criteria for ductile metals, each associated with distinct types of material failure. They can be classified in the following categories:
Damage initiation criteria for the fracture of metals, including ductile (tabular, Johnson-Cook, and Hosford-Coulomb) and shear.
Damage initiation criteria for the necking instability of sheet metal. These include forming limit diagrams (FLD, FLSD, and MSFLD) intended to assess the formability of sheet metal and the Marciniak-Kuczynski (M-K) criterion (available only in Abaqus/Explicit) to numerically predict necking instability in sheet metal taking into account the deformation history.
These criteria are discussed in Damage Initiation for Ductile Metals. Each damage initiation criterion has an associated output variable to indicate whether the criterion has been met during the analysis. A value of 1.0 or higher indicates that the initiation criterion has been met.
More than one damage initiation criterion can be specified for a given material. If multiple damage initiation criteria are specified for the same material, they are treated independently. Once a particular initiation criterion is satisfied, the material stiffness is degraded according to the specified damage evolution law for that criterion; in the absence of a damage evolution law, however, the material stiffness is not degraded. A failure mechanism for which no damage evolution response is specified is said to be inactive. Abaqus will evaluate the initiation criterion for an inactive mechanism for output purposes only, but the mechanism will have no effect on the material response.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define each damage initiation criterion (repeat as needed to define multiple criteria):