Dynamic Failure Models

The progressive damage and failure models described in About Damage and Failure for Ductile Metals are the recommended method for modeling material damage and failure in Abaqus; these models are suitable for both quasi-static and dynamic situations. Abaqus/Explicit offers two additional element failure models suitable only for high-strain-rate dynamic problems. The shear failure model is driven by plastic yielding. The tensile failure model is driven by tensile loading. These failure models can be used to limit subsequent load-carrying capacity of an element (up to the point of removing the element) once a stress limit is reached. Both models can be used for the same material.

The shear failure model:

  • is designed for high-strain-rate deformation of many materials, including most metals;

  • uses the equivalent plastic strain as a failure measure;

  • offers two choices for what occurs upon failure, including the removal of elements from the mesh;

  • can be used in conjunction with either the Mises or the Johnson-Cook plasticity models; and

  • can be used in conjunction with the tensile failure model.

The tensile failure model:

  • is designed for high-strain-rate deformation of many materials, including most metals;

  • uses the hydrostatic pressure stress as a failure measure to model dynamic spall or a pressure cutoff;

  • offers a number of choices for what occurs upon failure, including the removal of elements from the mesh;

  • can be used in conjunction with either the Mises or the Johnson-Cook plasticity models or the equation of state material model; and

  • can be used in conjunction with the shear failure model.

This page discusses:

See Also
Equation of State
Classical Metal Plasticity
Rate-Dependent Yield
Johnson-Cook Plasticity
About the Material Library
Inelastic Behavior
Progressive Damage and Failure
In Other Guides
