This section describes the methods for defining elements in an
input file. In a preprocessor
you define the model geometry rather than the nodes and elements; when you mesh
the geometry, the preprocessor automatically creates the nodes and elements
needed for analysis.
Element definition consists of:
assigning an element number to the element;
defining individual elements by specifying their nodes;
grouping elements into element sets; and
creating elements from existing elements by generating them
incrementally or by copying existing elements.
If any element is specified more than once, the last specification given
is used.
Each individual element must have a numeric label called the element number,
which is assigned when the element is defined. The element number must be a
positive integer, and the maximum element number allowed is 999999999 (for
information on integer input, see
Input Syntax Rules).
The elements do not need to be numbered continuously.
model can be defined in terms of an assembly of part instances (see
Assembly Definition).
In such a model almost all elements must belong to a part or part instance. The
only exceptions are mass, rotary inertia, capacitance, connector, spring, and
dashpot elements, which can belong to a part or to the assembly. Element
numbers must be unique within a part, part instance, or the assembly; but they
can be repeated in different parts or part instances.
Defining Individual Elements by Specifying Their Nodes
You can define individual elements by specifying the element number and the
nodes that define the element. In addition, you must specify the element type.
The element must be chosen from one of the element types specified in
About the Element Library;
or, in
it can be a user-defined element (User-Defined Elements)
or a substructure (Using Substructures).
Using Large Node Numbers with Elements That Use Many Nodes
The following rules apply when defining elements:
The connectivity for each element is considered a logical record, and
any number of input lines can be used to specify it.
will read the first line for an element and consider the next line a
continuation line if a comma ends the line and the element definition is not
Any number of continuation lines can be used.
For elements such as C3D27 with a variable number of nodes (see
Solid (Continuum) Elements),
the last line should not end with a comma or
will interpret the next element definition as a continuation of the current
In the first method you define individual elements by specifying the element
number and the nodes that define the element.
In the second method you specify only the nodes on the bottom surface of the
gasket element and a positive offset number that will be used to define the
corresponding nodes for the top surface. For the 18-node gasket element you
give the first eight nodes followed by the midsurface node; i.e., node 17 in
the full element nodal connectivity.
can generate the midface nodes of the 18-node gasket elements automatically if
both element faces are part of contact surfaces. To invoke this feature, you
enter a blank instead of the actual node numbers in either of the above input
will then generate the node numbers and coordinates of the midface nodes
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the element number and the
nodes that define the element:
Using Solid Element Connectivity to Define Gasket Elements
The node numbering scheme for gasket elements does not correspond to the
node numbering scheme for continuum elements, which can be inconvenient if the
mesh generator used does not support gasket elements directly or in
thermal-stress analysis where continuum elements are used to model the heat
conduction in the gasket. For such cases you can specify that solid element
connectivity is used to define the gasket element. By default, it is assumed
that the first (S1) face of the solid element
coincides with the first (SNEG) face of the
gasket element. If the equivalent solid element is oriented differently,
specify the face number on the solid element that corresponds to the first face
of the gasket element. The solid element must have the same number of nodes on
each face as the corresponding gasket element; any nodes between the faces will
be ignored. The 18-node gasket element is an exception. If both element faces
are part of contact surfaces, the connectivity of a 20-node brick element can
be used, and
will generate the node numbers and coordinates of the midface nodes
will transform the solid element connectivity to the normal gasket element
connectivity immediately upon reading the data. Hence, all output to the data
(.dat), results (.fil), and output
database (.odb) files will use the normal gasket element
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify solid element
connectivity for a gasket element in which the first face of the solid element
corresponds to the first face of the gasket element:
Use the following option to specify solid element
connectivity for a gasket element and the face of the solid element that
corresponds to the first face of the gasket element:
The following lines create GK3D12M element number 11 that has node numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1001,
1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, and 1006:
In the first method you specify the element number and all of the nodes
that define the element.
In the second method you specify only the nodes on the bottom face of
the cohesive element and
will create the remaining nodes, numbering them according to an offset number
that you specify.
In the third method, which is applicable only to pore pressure cohesive
elements, you specify the nodes on the bottom and top faces.
will create the remaining middle-face nodes according to an offset number that
you specify.
Defining a Cohesive Element by Specifying All Nodes
Defining a Cohesive Element by Specifying Only the Bottom Face Nodes
With this method you specify only the nodes on the bottom face of the
cohesive element and a positive offset number. With displacement cohesive
elements, the offset number is added to the bottom face node numbers to create
the corresponding nodes on the top face. With pore pressure cohesive elements,
the offset number first is added to the bottom face node numbers to create the
corresponding nodes on the top face, then the offset number is added to the top
face node numbers to create the corresponding nodes on the middle face.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the nodes on the bottom
face of the element and a positive offset number for nodes on the remaining
face or faces:
and the following lines create pore pressure cohesive
element COH3D8P element number 11 that has node numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 1001, 1002,
1003, 1004, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 (nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4 define the bottom
face; nodes 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1004 define the top face; and nodes 2001,
2002, 2003, and 2004 define the middle face):
Defining a Pore Pressure Cohesive Element by Specifying Only the Bottom and Top Face Nodes
With this method you specify only the nodes on the bottom and top faces of
the pore pressure cohesive element and a positive offset number. The offset
number is added to the bottom face node numbers to create the corresponding
nodes on the middle face.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the nodes on the bottom
and top faces of the pore pressure cohesive element and a positive offset
number for the remaining middle-face nodes:
For example, the following lines create a pore pressure
cohesive element COH3D8P element number 11 that has node numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 1001, 1002,
1003, 1004, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 (nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4 define the bottom
face; nodes 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1004 define the top face; and nodes 2001,
2002, 2003, and 2004 define the middle face):
Element sets are used as convenient cross-references for defining loads,
properties, etc. Element sets are the fundamental references of the model and
should be used to assist the input definition. The members of an element set
can be individual elements or other element sets. An individual element can
belong to several element sets.
Elements can be grouped into element sets when they are created or after
they have already been defined. In either case each element set is assigned a
name. Element set names can be up to 80 characters long.
The same name can be used for a node set and for an element set.
All elements within an element set will be arranged in ascending order of
their element number, and duplicates will be removed.
Once elements are assigned to an element set, additional elements can be
added to the same element set; however, elements cannot be removed from an
element set.
Assigning Elements to an Element Set as They Are Created
There are several ways that elements can be assigned to element sets as they
are created.
Assigning Previously Defined Elements to an Element Set
You can assign elements that you have defined previously (by specifying
their nodes, by generating them incrementally, or by copying existing elements)
to an element set by listing the elements forming the set directly or by
generating the element set.
Listing the Elements That Form the Set Directly
You can list the elements that form the element set directly. Previously
defined element sets, as well as individual elements, can be assigned to
element sets.
Thus, element set B
contains the following elements: 3, 5, 13, 14, 16, 20, and 22. Element set
LEFT can be assigned to element set
B since the definition of
LEFT occurs before the definition of
Generating the Element Set
To generate an element set, you must specify a first element,
a last element, ;
and the increment in element numbers between these elements,
i. All elements going from
in steps of i will be added to the set. Therefore,
i must be an integer such that
is a whole number (not a fraction). The default is .
In a model defined in terms of an assembly of part instances, all element
sets must be defined within a part, part instance, or the assembly definition.
If an element set is defined within a part (or part instance), you can refer to
the element numbers directly. To define an assembly-level element set, you must
identify the elements to be added to the set by prefixing each element number
with the part instance name and a “.” (as explained in
Assembly Definition).
An assembly-level element set can have the same name as a part-level element
The following input defines an element set, set1, that
belongs to part PartA and will be inherited by every
instance of PartA:
An element set with the same name is defined at the assembly level as
Assembly-level element set set1 contains all the
elements from element sets set1 belonging to part instances
PartA-1 and PartA-2. Therefore, the
elements are assigned to two separate element sets: one at the part instance
level and one at the assembly level. An assembly-level element set called
set1 could be created with entirely different elements than
those that belong to the part set; part- and assembly-level element sets are
independent. However, since in this example the same elements are assigned to
both the part- and assembly-level element sets set1, the
assembly-level set could alternatively be defined by
This element set definition is equivalent to the previous example, where
the elements are listed individually.
Alternate Method for Defining Assembly-Level Element Sets
Sometimes it is not convenient to define an assembly-level element set by
referring to part-level element sets. In such cases a set definition containing
many elements can get quite lengthy. Therefore, an alternate method is
The following example shows two equivalent ways to define an
assembly-level element set; once by prefixing each element number with a part
instance name (as shown above) and once using the more compact INSTANCE notation:
When the
ELSET option is used more than once with the same name, as it is
with set3, the elements in the second use of
ELSET are appended to the set created by the first use of
Transferring of Element Sets
If the results of an
analysis are imported into an
analysis (or vice versa) or results from an
analysis are imported into another
analysis (see
About Transferring Results between Abaqus Analyses),
all element set definitions in the original analysis are imported by default.
Alternatively, you can import only selected element set definitions; see
Importing Element Set, Node Set, and Surface Definitions One Time
for details.
If a three-dimensional model is generated from a symmetric model (see
Symmetric Model Generation),
all element sets in the original model will be used (and expanded) in the
generated model.
Creating Elements from Existing Elements by Generating Them Incrementally
You can generate elements incrementally from existing elements. The newly created elements are
always the same element type as that of the main element.
first generates a row of elements by copying the node pattern of a given
element with prescribed increments in the node and element numbers. This row
can then be repeated to form a layer, which can also be repeated to form a
To generate a row of elements, you must specify the following information:
The main element number. The main element must exist at the time that the generation is
specified, although it can be an element that has just been defined in this same element
The number of elements to be defined in the first row generated, including the main element.
The increment in node numbers of corresponding nodes from element to
element in the row. The default is 1. All element node numbers (except
special-purpose nodes, discussed later) will increase by the same value.
The increment in element numbers in the row. The default is 1.
To copy this newly created main row to create a layer of elements, you must specify the following
additional information:
The number of rows to be defined, including the main row.
The increment in node numbers of corresponding nodes from row to row.
The increment in element numbers of corresponding elements from row to
To copy this newly created main layer to create a block of elements, you must specify the
following additional information:
The number of layers to be defined, including the main layer.
The increment in node numbers of corresponding nodes from layer to
The increment in element numbers of corresponding elements from layer to
By default, the following nodes are not incremented:
rigid body reference nodes for IRS-type and drag chain elements; and
nodes used to define the direction of the first cross-section axis for
beams or frames in space.
You can specify that all nodes should be incremented. You define the
increment between node numbers as described above. Usually the incrementation
of all nodes is needed only for nodes used to define the direction of the first
cross-section axis for beams in space.
You can create new elements by copying existing elements. You must identify
the existing element set to copy and specify an integer constant that will be
added to the node numbers of the existing elements to define the node numbers
of the new elements. Likewise, you must specify an integer constant that will
be added to the element numbers of existing elements to define element numbers
for the elements being created.
Figure 1. Element generation example.
You can assign the newly created elements to an element set. If you do not
specify an element set name for the newly created elements, they are not
assigned to an element set.
Input File Usage
ELCOPY, OLD SET=name, NEW SET=new_name,
For example, the following data lines will generate new
elements in set B that are copies of all
elements in set A at the time this option is
processed, with 1000 added to each element number and to each node number in
the definitions of the new elements. The members of set
A at the time the line is processed are those
elements defined to be in set A by all element
generation and element set definition lines that appear in the input file prior
to this
ELCOPY option.
Special Considerations for Continuum Elements
When copying existing elements, you can choose to modify the node numbering
sequence for the elements being created to avoid creating continuum elements
that violate the
convention for counterclockwise element numbering. This modification is
normally required when the nodes have been generated by copying existing nodes
(Creating Nodes by Copying Existing Nodes).
For example, assume element 1 is in element set
A and is defined by nodes 1, 2, 3, 4. The
following data line will generate element number 11, also in set
A, with nodes 11, 14, 13, and 12:
If the REFLECT parameter is not used, the new element will be defined by the
node sequence 11, 12, 13, 14 and will violate the counterclockwise element
numbering convention used with continuum elements, as shown below.