A rigid body is a collection of nodes, elements, and/or surfaces whose
motion is governed by the motion of a single node, called the rigid body
reference node. The relative positions of the nodes and elements that are part
of the rigid body remain constant throughout a simulation. Therefore, the
constituent elements do not deform but can undergo large rigid body motions.
The mass and inertia of a rigid body can be calculated based on contributions
from its elements or can be assigned specifically. Analytical surfaces can also
be made part of the rigid body, whereas any surfaces based on the nodes or
elements of a rigid body are associated automatically with the rigid body.
The motion of a rigid body can be prescribed by applying boundary conditions
at the rigid body reference node. Loads on a rigid body are generated from
concentrated loads applied to nodes and from distributed loads applied to
elements that are part of the rigid body. Rigid bodies interact with the
remainder of the model in several ways. Rigid bodies can connect at the nodes
to deformable elements, and surfaces defined on rigid bodies can continue on
these deformable elements, provided that compatible element types are used.
Rigid bodies can also be connected to other rigid bodies by connector elements
About Connectors).
Surfaces defined on rigid bodies can contact surfaces defined on other bodies
in the model.
Determining When to Use a Rigid Body
Rigid bodies can be used to model very stiff components, either fixed or
undergoing large motions. For example, rigid bodies are ideally suited for
modeling tooling (i.e., punch, die, drawbead, blank holder, roller, etc.). They
can also be used to model constraints between deformable components, and they
provide a convenient method of specifying certain contact interactions. Rigid
bodies can be used with connector elements to model a wide variety of multibody
dynamic problems.
It may be useful to make parts of a model rigid for model verification
purposes. For example, in complex models elements far away from the particular
region of interest could be included as part of a rigid body, resulting in
faster run times at the model development stage. When you are satisfied with
the model, you can remove the rigid body definitions and incorporate an
accurate deformable finite element representation throughout.
In multibody dynamic simulations rigid bodies are useful for many reasons.
Although the motion of the rigid body is governed by the six degrees of freedom
at the reference node, rigid bodies allow accurate representation of the
geometry, mass, and rotary inertia of the rigid body. Furthermore, rigid bodies
provide accurate visualization and postprocessing of the model.
The principal advantage to representing portions of a model with rigid
bodies rather than deformable finite elements is computational efficiency.
Element-level calculations are not performed for elements that are part of a
rigid body. Although some computational effort is required to update the motion
of the nodes of the rigid body and to assemble concentrated and distributed
loads, the motion of the rigid body is determined completely by a maximum of
six degrees of freedom at the reference node.
Rigid bodies are particularly effective for modeling relatively stiff parts
of a model in
for which tracking waves and stress distributions are not important. Element
stable time increment estimates in the stiff region can result in a very small
global time increment. Since rigid bodies and elements that are part of a rigid
body do not affect the global time increment, using a rigid body instead of a
deformable finite element representation in a stiff region can result in a much
larger global time increment, without significantly affecting the overall
accuracy of the solution.
Creating a Rigid Body
You must assign a rigid body reference node to the rigid body.
A rigid body reference node has both translational and rotational degrees of
freedom and must be defined for every rigid body. If the reference node has not
been assigned coordinates,
will assign it the coordinates of the global origin by default. Alternatively,
you can specify that the reference node should be placed at the center of mass
of the rigid body. In fully coupled temperature-displacement analysis where a
rigid body is considered as isothermal, a single temperature degree of freedom
describing the temperature of the rigid body exists at the rigid body reference
node. The rigid body reference node:
can be connected to mass, rotary inertia, capacitance, or deformable
cannot be a rigid body reference node for another rigid body; and
can have a temperature degree of freedom if the body is an isothermal
rigid body.
Positioning the Reference Node at the Center of Mass
The specific location of the rigid body reference node relative to the
rest of the rigid body or to its center of mass is important if nonzero
boundary conditions are to be applied to the rigid body or concentrated loads
are to be applied at the reference node. In many problems of rigid body
dynamics, it may be desirable to apply loads and boundary conditions to the
rigid body at its center of mass. In addition, it may be useful to monitor the
configuration of the rigid body at its center of mass for output purposes.
However, it may be difficult to locate the center of mass a priori when the
rigid body mass and inertia properties (discussed below) contain contributions
from a finite element discretization or a complex arrangement of MASS and ROTARYI elements.
By default, the rigid body reference node will not be repositioned. You
can specify that it should be repositioned at the calculated center of mass. In
this case if a MASS element is defined at the rigid body reference node, the
calculated center of mass used for repositioning includes all mass
contributions except the mass at the reference node. The MASS element is then repositioned at the center of mass and included
in the mass properties of the rigid body. If the only mass contribution to the
rigid body is from a MASS element defined at the rigid body reference node, the reference
node will not be repositioned.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to indicate that the reference node
should not be repositioned (the default):
The Collection of Nodes That Constitute the Rigid Body
In addition to the rigid body reference node, rigid bodies consist of a
collection of nodes that is generated by assigning elements and nodes to the
rigid body. These nodes provide a connection to other elements. Nodes that are
part of a rigid body are one of two types:
pin nodes, which have only translational degrees of freedom associated
with the rigid body, or
tie nodes, which have both translational and rotational degrees of
freedom associated with the rigid body.
The rigid body node type is determined by the type of elements on the rigid
body to which the node is attached. You can also specify the node type when you
assign nodes directly to a rigid body. For pin nodes only the translational
degrees of freedom are part of the rigid body, and the motion of these degrees
of freedom is constrained by the motion of the rigid body reference node. For
tie nodes both the translational and rotational degrees of freedom are part of
the rigid body and are constrained by the motion of the rigid body reference
The node type has important implications when the node is connected to
rotary inertia elements, deformable structural elements, or connector elements
or when the node has concentrated moments or follower loads applied to it.
Rotary inertia elements and applied concentrated moments affect the rigid body
only when associated with a tie node. Rigid body connections to deformable
elements always involve the translational degrees of freedom; rigid body
connections to deformable shell, beam, pipe, and connector elements also
involve the rotational degrees of freedom if the connection is at a tie node.
The behavior of the two types of connections is illustrated in
Figure 1,
which shows an octagonal rigid body connected to two deformable shell elements
through nodes at opposite ends subjected to an applied rotational velocity.
Figure 1. Rigid body with tie node and pin node connections.
The shell elements are assumed to be stiff (negligible bending is shown in
the figure). When the nodes common to the rigid body and the shell elements are
tie nodes, the rotation applied to the rigid body is transmitted directly to
the shell elements. When the common nodes are pin nodes, the rigid body
rotation is not transmitted directly to the shell elements, which can result in
large relative motions between the rigid body and the adjacent shell structure.
Assigning Elements to a Rigid Body
To include elements in the rigid body definition, you specify the region of
your model containing all of the elements that are part of the rigid body.
Elements in this region or nodes connected to the elements in this region
cannot be part of any other rigid body.
Table 1
lists the continuum, structural, and rigid element types that can be included
in a rigid body and the respective node types generated in the rigid body.
Table 1. List of valid elements that can be included in a rigid body (* indicates
all elements beginning with the preceding label).
When connector elements are included in the rigid body, the type of
generated nodes depends on whether the rotational degrees of freedom are active
for their connection type. If connector elements that activate material flow
degree of freedom at nodes are included in the rigid body, the material and
flow through the rigid body as that degree of freedom is constrained to the
motion of the rigid body.
The following elements cannot be declared as rigid:
Acoustic elements
Axisymmetric-asymmetric continuum and shell elements
Coupled thermal-electrical elements
Diffusive heat transfer/mass diffusion elements and forced
convection/diffusion elements
Eulerian elements
Discrete elements
Generalized plane strain elements
Gasket elements with thickness-direction behavior
Heat capacitance elements
Inertial elements (mass and rotary inertia)
Infinite elements
Piezoelectric elements
Special-purpose elements
Thermal-electrical-structural elements
User-defined elements
If elements of more than one type or section definition are part of a rigid
body, the specified region will contain elements with different section
definitions. When continuum or structural elements are assigned to a rigid
body, they are no longer deformable and their motion is governed by the motion
of the rigid body reference node. Element stiffness calculations are not
performed for these elements, and they do not affect the global time increment
However, the mass and inertia of the rigid body includes contributions from
these elements as calculated from their section and material density
definitions (see
About the Element Library).
Mass and rotary inertia elements, as well as point heat capacitance elements,
should not be included in the specified region. Contributions to a rigid body
from mass, rotary inertia, and heat capacitance elements are accounted for
automatically when these elements are connected to nodes that are part of the
rigid body.
A list of nodes that are part of a rigid body is generated automatically
when you assign elements to a rigid body. The node list is constructed as a
unique list including all the nodes that are connected to elements in the
specified region. Nodes in this list cannot be part of any other rigid body.
The type of each node, pin or tie, is determined by the type of elements on the
rigid body to which it is connected. Shell, beam, pipe, and rigid beam elements
generate tie nodes; solid, membrane, truss, and rigid (other than beam)
elements generate pin nodes (see
Table 1).
For nodes that are connected to both elements that generate pin nodes and
elements that generate tie nodes, the common node is defined as the tie type.
All elements that are part of a rigid body must be of like geometry.
Therefore, elements contained in the specified region must be either planar,
axisymmetric, or three-dimensional. The geometry of the elements determines the
geometry of the rigid body as shown in
Table 1.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to assign elements to a rigid
To assign nodes directly to a rigid body, you specify all the desired pin
nodes and all the tie nodes separately. These nodes become part of the rigid
body in addition to any nodes that have been generated from elements assigned
to the rigid body. The following rules apply when assigning nodes directly to a
rigid body:
The rigid body reference node cannot be contained in either the set of
pin nodes or the set of tie nodes.
Nodes that are part of the set of pin nodes cannot also be contained in
the set of tie nodes.
Nodes that are contained in the set of pin nodes or the set of tie nodes
cannot be part of any other rigid body definition.
Nodes that are generated automatically from elements assigned to the
rigid body that are also contained in the set of pin nodes are classified as
pin nodes, regardless of their element connections.
Nodes that are generated automatically from elements assigned to the
rigid body that are also contained in the set of tie nodes are classified as
tie nodes, regardless of their element connections.
The types of nodes generated by elements included in a rigid body can,
therefore, be overridden by assigning the nodes directly to the rigid body,
thereby allowing you greater flexibility to define a constraint with a rigid
body by easily specifying the type of connection the rigid body makes with its
attached deformable finite elements.
will not output rotations for nodes that act as pin nodes.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to assign nodes to a rigid
Assigning Analytical Surfaces to a Rigid Body
You can assign an analytical surface to a rigid body. The procedure for
creating and naming an analytical rigid surface is described in
Analytical Rigid Surface Definition.
Only one analytical surface can be defined as part of the rigid body
Input File Usage
Use the following option to assign an analytical rigid surface
to a rigid body:
Defining a Rigid Body in a Model That Is Defined in Terms of an Assembly of Part Instances
model can be defined in terms of an assembly of part instances (see
Assembly Definition).
A rigid body in such a model can be created from deformable elements at either
the part level or the assembly level. In either case all node and element
definitions must belong to one or more parts. If all nodes making up the rigid
body belong to the same part, create a rigid part by defining the rigid body at
the part level.
Multiple deformable part instances can be combined into a single rigid body
by creating an assembly-level node or element set that spans the part
instances, then defining the rigid body at the assembly level to refer to that
set. The rigid body reference node can also be defined at the assembly level,
if necessary.
Rigid Body Mass and Inertial Properties
When a rigid body is not constrained fully, the mass and inertia properties
of the rigid body are important to its dynamic response. In
an error message will be issued if there is no mass (or rotary inertia)
corresponding to an unconstrained degree of freedom.
automatically calculates the mass, center of mass, and rotary inertia of each
rigid body and prints the results to the data (.dat) file
if model definition data are requested (see
Controlling the Amount of analysis input file processor Information Written to the Data File).
The following rules are used to determine the mass and inertia of a rigid body:
The mass of each continuum, structural, and rigid element that is part
of the rigid body contributes to the rigid body's mass, center of mass, and
rotary inertia properties.
Point mass elements that are connected to any node that is part of a
rigid body or to the rigid body reference node contribute to the rigid body's
mass, center of mass, and rotary inertia properties.
Rotary inertia elements that are connected to any tie node or to the
rigid body reference node contribute to the rigid body's rotary inertia
Since the rotational degrees of freedom at a pin node are not part of a
rigid body, rotary inertia elements connected to a pin node do not contribute
to the rigid body inertia but are rather associated with the independent
rotation of the node.
Defining Mass and Inertia Properties by Discretization
In many cases it is desirable to model rigid components for which the mass,
center of mass, and rotary inertia are not readily available. In
it is not necessary to define the mass and inertia properties of the rigid body
directly. Instead, a finite element discretization can be used to model the
rigid components, and
will automatically calculate the properties from the discretization. Rigid
structures with one-dimensional rod or beam geometries can be modeled with beam
or truss elements, structures containing two-dimensional surface geometries can
be modeled with shell or membrane elements, and solid geometries can be modeled
with solid elements. The mass contributions to the rigid body for each of these
elements are based on that element's section properties (see
About the Element Library)
and the material density (see
Although both shell and membrane elements in a rigid body can yield similar
mass contributions given similar section and density definitions, they will
generate different node types (tie nodes for shells and pin nodes for
membranes), which may affect the overall results. The same holds true for beam
and truss elements.
In situations where one portion of a rigid component can be modeled with a
finite element discretization but it is not convenient to do so for other
portions, point mass and rotary inertia elements can be used to represent the
mass distribution of these other portions. The mass, center of mass, and rotary
inertia for the rigid body will then include the contributions from both the
finite elements and the point mass and rotary inertia elements.
uses the lumped mass formulation for low-order elements. As a consequence, the
second mass moments of inertia can deviate from the theoretical values,
especially for coarse meshes. This inaccuracy can be circumvented by adding
point mass and rotary inertia elements with the correct inertia properties and
eliminating the mass contribution from the solid elements. Alternatively,
second-order elements could be used in
Defining Mass and Inertia Properties Directly
When the mass, center of mass, and rotary inertia properties of the actual
rigid component are known or can be approximated, it is not necessary to use a
finite element discretization or to use an array of point masses to generate
the rigid body properties. You can assign these properties directly by locating
the rigid body reference node at the center of mass (see
Positioning the Reference Node at the Center of Mass)
and by specifying the rigid body mass and rotary inertia at the reference node
Point Masses
Rotary Inertia).
It may also be desirable to input mass properties directly at the center of
mass but to specify boundary conditions at a location other than the center of
mass. In this case you should place the rigid body reference node at the
desired boundary condition location. In addition, you must define a tie node at
the center of mass of the rigid body by correctly specifying its coordinates to
coincide with the coordinates of the center of mass of the rigid body and then
assigning it to a tie node set in the rigid body definition. You can then
define the rigid body mass and rotary inertia at the tie node.
For most applications where mass properties are input directly, it may be
necessary to assign additional elements or nodes to a rigid body so that the
rigid body can interact with the rest of the model. For example, contact pair
definitions could require rigid surfaces formed with element faces on the rigid
body and additional pin or tie nodes may be necessary to provide the desired
constraints with deformable elements attached to the rigid body.
will account for the mass and rotary inertia contributions from all elements on
a rigid body; therefore, if you want to assign the rigid body mass properties
directly, you should take care to ensure that contributions from other element
types that are part of the rigid body do not affect the desired input mass
properties. If rigid elements are part of the rigid body definition, you can
set their mass contribution to zero by not specifying a density for these
elements in the rigid body definition. If other element types are used to
define the rigid body, you should set their density to zero.
Kinematics of a Rigid Body
The motion of a rigid body is defined entirely by the motion of its
reference node. The active degrees of freedom at the reference node depend on
the geometry of the rigid body (see
The geometry of a rigid body is planar, axisymmetric, or three-dimensional and
is determined by the type of elements that are assigned to the rigid body. In
the case where no elements are assigned to a rigid body, the geometry of the
rigid body is assumed to be three-dimensional.
The calculated mass and rotary inertia properties for each of the active
degrees of freedom for all rigid bodies are printed to the data
(.dat) file if model definition data are requested (see
Controlling the Amount of analysis input file processor Information Written to the Data File).
These properties include the contributions from elements that are part of the
rigid body, as well as point mass and rotary inertia elements at the nodes of
the rigid body.
Although this calculated mass represents the true mass of the rigid body,
actually uses an augmented mass in the integration of the equation of motion,
which is conceptually similar to an added mass formulation. Essentially, the
calculated mass and rotary inertia of the rigid body is augmented with the mass
contributions of all of its attached deformable elements to create a larger,
augmented mass and rotary inertia. Rotary inertia contributions from adjacent
deformable elements are also included in the augmented rotary inertia if the
nodal connection is at a tie node.
Rigid Body Motions
A rigid body can undergo free rigid body motion in each of its active
translational degrees of freedom, as well as each of its active rotational
degrees of freedom.
Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions for rigid bodies should be defined as described in
Boundary Conditions
at the rigid body reference node. Reaction forces and moments can be recovered
for all degrees of freedom that are constrained at the reference node. If a
nodal transformation is defined at the rigid body reference node, boundary
conditions are applied in the local system (see
Transformed Coordinate Systems).
if boundary conditions are applied to any nodes on a rigid body other than the
rigid body reference node,
will attempt to transfer these boundary conditions to the reference node. If
successful, you are warned that this transfer has taken place. Otherwise, an
error message is produced (see
Overconstraint Checks
for more details).
nodes on a rigid body, excluding the rigid body reference node, cannot be used
in a multi-point constraint or linear constraint equation definition.
a multi-point constraint or linear constraint equation can be defined for any
node on a rigid body, including the reference node.
Connector Elements
Connector elements can be used at any node of a rigid body, including the
reference node, to define a connection between rigid bodies, between a rigid
body and a deformable body, or from a rigid body to ground. Connector elements
are convenient for providing multiple points of attachment on rigid bodies;
modeling complex nonlinear kinematic constraints; specifying zero or nonzero
boundary conditions at a point on a rigid body that is not the rigid body
reference node; applying force actuation; and modeling discrete interactions,
such as spring, dashpot, node-to-node contact, friction, locking mechanisms,
and failure joints. Unlike multi-point constraints or linear constraint
equations, connector elements retain degrees of freedom in the connection,
thereby allowing output of information related to the connection (such as
constraint forces and moments, relative displacements, velocities,
accelerations, etc.). See
Connector Elements
for a detailed description of connector elements.
Planar Rigid Body
A rigid body with a planar geometry has three active degrees of freedom: 1,
2, and 6 (,
and ).
Here, the x- and y-directions
coincide with the global X- and
Y-directions, respectively. If a nodal transformation is
defined at the rigid body reference node, the x- and
y-directions coincide with the user-defined local
directions. The coordinate transformation defined at the reference node must be
consistent with the geometry; the local directions must remain in the global
X–Y plane. All nodes and elements
that are part of a planar rigid body should lie in the global
X–Y plane.
Planar rigid bodies should be connected only to planar deformable elements.
To model the connection of a rigid component with a planar geometry to
three-dimensional deformable elements, model the planar rigid component as a
three-dimensional rigid body consisting of the appropriate three-dimensional
Axisymmetric Rigid Body
A rigid body with an axisymmetric geometry has three active degrees of
freedom in
1, 2, and 6 (,
Classical axisymmetric theory admits only one rigid body mode, which is
displacement in the z-direction. To maximize the
flexibility of using rigid bodies for axisymmetric analysis,
allows for three active degrees of freedom, although only the axial
displacement is a rigid body mode.
The r- and z-directions coincide
with the global X- and Y-directions,
respectively. If a nodal transformation is defined at the rigid body reference
node, the r- and z-directions
coincide with the user-defined local directions. The coordinate transformation
defined at the reference node must be consistent with the geometry; the local
directions must remain in the global
X–Y plane. All nodes and elements
that are part of an axisymmetric rigid body should lie in the global
X–Y plane.
Translation in the r-direction is associated with a
radial mode, and rotation in the r–z
plane is associated with a rotary mode (see
Figure 2).
For an axisymmetric rigid body in
each of these modes develop no hoop stress, but mass and inertia computed for
these degrees of freedom represent the modal mass associated with their modal
motion. The mass properties for an axisymmetric rigid body are, therefore,
calculated based on the initial configuration assuming the following:
Point masses defined on nodes of the rigid body (see
Point Masses)
are assumed to account for the entire mass around the circumference of the
Mass contributions from axisymmetric elements assigned to the rigid body
include the integrated value around the circumference.
The center of mass of the rigid body is located at the center of mass of
the circumferential slice, as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Axisymmetric rigid body modes.
If the rigid body reference node is positioned at the center of mass, the
reference node for an axisymmetric rigid body will, thus, be repositioned at
the center of mass of the circumferential slice.
These assumptions are consistent with the manner in which
handles other axisymmetric features but are noted here because of the deviation
from classical rigid body theory.
Axisymmetric rigid bodies should be connected only to axisymmetric
deformable elements. To model the connection of a rigid component with an
axisymmetric geometry to three-dimensional deformable elements, model the
axisymmetric rigid component as a three-dimensional rigid body consisting of
the appropriate three-dimensional elements.
Three-Dimensional Rigid Body
A rigid body with a three-dimensional geometry has six active degrees of
freedom: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (,
Here, the x-, y-, and
z-directions coincide with the global
X-, Y- and
Z-directions, respectively. If a nodal transformation is
defined at the rigid body reference node, the x-,
y-, and z-directions coincide with
the user-defined local directions.
In general, three-dimensional rigid bodies will possess a full, nonisotropic
inertia tensor and can behave in a nonintuitive manner when they are spun about
an axis that is not one of the principal inertia axes. Classical phenomena of
rigid body dynamics (e.g., precession, gyroscopic moments, etc.) can be
simulated using three-dimensional rigid bodies in
In most cases three-dimensional rigid bodies should be connected only to
three-dimensional deformable elements. If it is physically relevant, a
three-dimensional rigid body can be connected to two-dimensional plane stress,
plane strain, or axisymmetric elements; however, you should always constrain
the z-displacement, x-axis rotation,
and y-axis rotation of the rigid body. The above procedure
is useful when incorporating a two-dimensional plane strain approximation in
one region of a model and a three-dimensional discretization in another. Rigid
bodies can be used to constrain the two finite element geometries at their
interface as shown in
Figure 3.
A unique rigid body should be used at each node in the plane along the
interface to handle the constraint properly.
Figure 3. Rigid body nodes used to connect a two-dimensional and
three-dimensional mesh.
Defining Loads on Rigid Bodies
Loads on a rigid body are assembled from contributions of all of the loads
on nodes and elements that are part of the rigid body. Loads are defined on
nodes and elements that are part of a rigid body in the same manner that they
are specified if the nodes and elements are not part of a rigid body.
Contributions include:
applied concentrated forces on pin nodes, tie nodes, and the rigid body
reference node;
applied concentrated moments on tie nodes and the rigid body reference
node; and
applied distributed loads on all elements and surfaces that are part of
the rigid body.
Unless the point of action is through the rigid body center of mass, each of
these loads will create both a force at and a torque about the center of mass,
which will tend to rotate an unconstrained rigid body. If a nodal
transformation is defined at any rigid body nodes, concentrated loads defined
at these nodes are interpreted in the local system. The local system defined by
the nodal transformation does not rotate with the rigid body.
Concentrated moments defined on rigid body pin nodes do not contribute load
to the rigid body but are rather associated with the independent rotation of
that node. Independent rotation of a pin node exists only if it is connected to
a deformable element with rotational degrees of freedom or a rotary inertia
element. Follower forces (see
Specifying Concentrated Follower Forces)
can be defined at pin nodes if the independent rotation exists. However, the
results may be nonintuitive since the direction of the force is determined by
the independent rotation even though the follower force acts on the rigid body.
Rigid Bodies with Temperature Degrees of Freedom
Only rigid bodies that contain coupled temperature-displacement elements
have temperature degrees of freedom. If it is reasonable to assume that a rigid
body used in a fully coupled temperature-displacement analysis has a uniform
temperature, you can define the rigid body as isothermal. A transient heat
transfer process involving an isothermal rigid body assumes that the internal
resistance of the body to heat is negligible in comparison with the external
resistance. Thus, the body temperature can be a function of time but cannot be
a function of position. The temperature degree of freedom that is created at
the rigid body reference node describes the temperature of the body.
Thermal interactions for rigid bodies with analytical rigid surfaces are
available only in
and are activated by specifying that the rigid body is isothermal.
By default, rigid bodies are not considered isothermal and all nodes on a
rigid body connected to coupled temperature-displacement elements will have
independent temperature degrees of freedom. The fact that the nodes are part of
a rigid body does not affect the ability of the coupled elements to conduct
heat within the rigid body. However, the mechanical response will be rigid.
The lumped heat capacitance associated with the rigid body reference node of
an isothermal body is calculated automatically if the rigid body is composed of
coupled temperature-displacement elements for which a specific heat and a
density property are defined. Otherwise, you should specify a point heat
capacitance for the rigid body (see
Point Capacitance).
An error message will be issued in
if no heat capacitance is associated with an isothermal rigid body for which
temperature is not prescribed at the reference node.
The capacitance of each coupled temperature-displacement element that is
part of the rigid body contributes to the isothermal rigid body's capacitance.
For an axisymmetric isothermal rigid body, capacitance contributions from
axisymmetric elements assigned to the rigid body include the integrated value
around the circumference.
HEATCAP elements that are connected to any node that is part of a rigid
body or the rigid body reference node contribute to the isothermal rigid body's
capacitance. For an axisymmetric isothermal rigid body the point capacitances
defined on nodes of the rigid body are assumed to account for the capacitance
integrated around the circumference of the body.
Thermal loads acting on the reference node of an isothermal body are
assembled from contributions of all the thermal loads on nodes and elements
that are part of the rigid body. Heat transfer between a deformable body and an
isothermal rigid body can occur during contact, as well as when the bodies are
not in contact if gap conductance and gap radiation are defined (see
Thermal Contact Properties).
Heat transfer between two isothermal rigid bodies can occur only via gap
conduction and gap radiation.
a rigid body can experience expansion due to a temperature increase. Each rigid
body node expands along the line that joins the node to the rigid body
reference node. The magnitude of the expansion depends on the distance of the
node from the reference node. The temperature change for computing the
expansion is the average of the temperature change at the node and the
temperature change at the reference node. The temperature change at any node is
the difference between the initial temperature of the node and the current
temperature of the node. You must provide the value of the thermal expansion
coefficient so that
can compute the expansion. The expansion coefficient of any material that is
part of the rigid body is neglected. Thermal expansion can be used only when
temperature is a field variable.
Contact modeling can be a primary factor when choosing the appropriate rigid
body geometry. Contact interactions should be formed with surfaces of like
geometry. For example, a planar rigid body should be used to model contact
either with deformable surfaces formed by two-dimensional plane stress or plane
strain elements or via node-based surfaces with two-dimensional beam, pipe, or
truss elements. Similarly, an axisymmetric rigid body should be used to model
contact with surfaces formed by axisymmetric elements, and a three-dimensional
rigid body should be used to model contact either with surfaces formed by
three-dimensional element faces or via node-based surfaces with
three-dimensional beam, pipe, or truss elements.
A rigid body must contain only two-dimensional or only three-dimensional
elements. Nodes cannot be shared between two rigid bodies. Contact between two
analytical rigid surfaces or between an analytical rigid surface and itself
cannot be modeled.
Limitations in Abaqus/Standard
Contact between rigid bodies is allowed if the secondary surface belongs to an elastic body that
has been declared as rigid. In this case softened contact should be prescribed to avoid
possible overconstraints.
Contact between two rigid surfaces defined using rigid elements is not
Rigid beams and trusses cannot be included in a contact pair definition because surfaces from
beams and trusses can be node-based surfaces only. A node-based surface must be a
secondary surface, and elements that are part of a rigid body should be part of the main
surface in a contact pair.
Limitations in Abaqus/Explicit
Contact between two rigid surfaces can be modeled in
only if the penalty contact pair algorithm or the general contact algorithm is
used; kinematic contact pairs cannot be used for rigid-to-rigid contact.
Therefore, when converting two deformable regions of a model to two distinct
rigid bodies for the purpose of model development, any contact interaction
definitions between these rigid bodies must use penalty contact pairs or
general contact.
For rigid-to-rigid contact involving analytical rigid surfaces, at least one
of the rigid surfaces must be formed by element faces since contact between two
analytical rigid surfaces cannot be modeled in
The penalty contact pair algorithm, which introduces numerical softening to
the contact enforcement through the use of penalty springs, or the general
contact algorithm must be used for all contact interactions involving a rigid
body if an equation constraint, a multi-point constraint, a tie constraint, or
a connector element is defined for a node on the rigid body.
Rigid beams and trusses cannot be included in a kinematic contact pair definition because
surfaces from beams and trusses can be node-based surfaces only. A node-based surface must
be a secondary surface, and elements that are part of a rigid body must be part of the
main surface in a kinematic contact pair.
When a rigid surface acts as a secondary surface in a penalty contact pair or in general contact,
initial penetrations of the rigid secondary nodes into the main surface will not be
corrected with strain-free corrections (see Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit and Contact Initialization for General Contact in Abaqus/Explicit). For contact
pairs any initial penetrations of this type may cause artificially large contact forces in
the initial increments. For general contact these initial penetrations are stored as
contact offsets.
Using Rigid Bodies in Geometrically Linear Abaqus/Standard Analysis
If rigid bodies are used in a geometrically linear
analysis (see
General and Perturbation Procedures),
the rigid body constraints are linearized. Consequently, except for analytical
rigid surfaces, the distance between any two nodes belonging to the rigid body
may not remain constant during the analysis if the magnitudes of the rotations
are not small.