General Analysis Steps
A general analysis step is one in which the effects of any nonlinearities present in the model can be included. The starting condition for each general step is the ending condition from the last general step, with the state of the model evolving throughout the history of general analysis steps as it responds to the history of loading. If the first step of the analysis is a general step, the initial conditions for the step can be specified directly (Initial Conditions).
Abaqus always considers total time to increase throughout a general analysis. Each step also has its own step time, which begins at zero in each step. If the analysis procedure for the step has a physical time scale, as in a dynamic analysis, step time must correspond to that physical time. Otherwise, step time is any convenient time scale—for example, 0.0 to 1.0—for the step. The step times of all general analysis steps accumulate into total time. Therefore, if an option such as creep (available only in Abaqus/Standard) whose formulation depends on total time is used in a multistep analysis, any steps that do not have a physical time scale should have a negligibly small step time compared to the steps in which a physical time scale does exist.
Sources of Nonlinearity
Nonlinear stress analysis problems can contain up to three sources of nonlinearity: material nonlinearity, geometric nonlinearity, and boundary nonlinearity.
Material Nonlinearity
Abaqus offers models for a wide range of nonlinear material behaviors (see Combining Material Behaviors). Many of the materials are history dependent: the material's response at any time depends on what has happened to it at previous times. Thus, the solution must be obtained by following the actual loading sequence. The general analysis procedures are designed with this in view.
Geometric Nonlinearity
It is possible in Abaqus to define a problem as a “small-displacement” analysis, which means that geometric nonlinearity is ignored in the element calculations—the kinematic relationships are linearized. By default, large displacements and rotations are accounted for in contact constraints even if the small-displacement element formulations are used for the analysis; i.e., a large-sliding contact tracking algorithm is used (see Contact Formulations in Abaqus/Standard and Contact Formulations for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit). The elements in a small-displacement analysis are formulated in the reference (original) configuration, using original nodal coordinates. The errors in such an approximation are of the order of the strains and rotations compared to unity. The approximation also eliminates any possibility of capturing bifurcation buckling, which is sometimes a critical aspect of a structure's response (see Unstable Collapse and Postbuckling Analysis). You must consider these issues when interpreting the results of such an analysis.
The alternative to a “small-displacement” analysis in Abaqus is to include large-displacement effects. In this case most elements are formulated in the current configuration using current nodal positions. Elements therefore distort from their original shapes as the deformation increases. With sufficiently large deformations, the elements may become so distorted that they are no longer suitable for use; for example, the volume of the element at an integration point may become negative. In this situation Abaqus will issue a warning message indicating the problem. In addition, Abaqus/Standard will cut back the time increment before making further attempts to continue the solution. Abaqus/Explicit also offers element failure models to allow elements that reach high strains to be removed from a model; see Dynamic Failure Models for details.
For each step of an analysis you specify whether a small- or large-displacement formulation should be used (i.e., whether geometric nonlinearity should be ignored or included). By default, Abaqus/Standard uses a small-displacement formulation and Abaqus/Explicit uses a large-displacement formulation. The default value for the formulation in an import analysis is the same as the value at the time of import. If a large-displacement formulation is used during any step of an analysis, it will be used in all following steps in the analysis; there is no way to turn it off.
Almost all of the elements in Abaqus use a fully nonlinear formulation. The exceptions are the cubic beam elements in Abaqus/Standard and the small-strain shell elements (those shell elements other than S3/S3R, S4, S4R, and the axisymmetric shells) in which the cross-sectional thickness change is ignored so that these elements are appropriate only for large rotations and small strains. Except for these elements, the strains and rotations can be arbitrarily large.
The calculated stress is the “true” (Cauchy) stress. For beam, pipe, and shell elements the stress components are given in local directions that rotate with the material. For all other elements the stress components are given in the global directions unless a local orientation (Orientations) is used at a point. For small-displacement analysis the infinitesimal strain measure is used, which is output with the strain output variable E; strain output specified with output variables LE and NE is the same as with E.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify that a large-displacement formulation should be used for the step:
STEP, NLGEOM=YES (default in Abaqus/Explicit)
Use the following option to specify that a small-displacement formulation should be used for the step:
STEP, NLGEOM=NO (default in Abaqus/Standard)
Omitting the NLGEOM parameter is equivalent to using the default value.
Boundary Nonlinearity
Contact problems are a common source of nonlinearity in stress analysis—see About Contact Interactions. Other sources of boundary nonlinearity are nonlinear elastic springs, films, radiation, multi-point constraints, etc.
In a general analysis step the loads must be defined as total values. The rules for applying loads in a general, multistep analysis are defined in About Loads.
The general analysis procedures in Abaqus offer two approaches for controlling incrementation. Automatic control is one choice: you define the step and, in some procedures, specify certain tolerances or error measures. Abaqus then automatically selects the increment size as it develops the response in the step. Direct user control of increment size is the alternative approach, whereby you specify the incrementation scheme. The direct approach is sometimes useful in repetitive analyses with Abaqus/Standard, where you have a good “feel” for the convergence behavior of the problem. The methods for selecting automatic or direct incrementation are discussed in the individual procedure sections.
In nonlinear problems in Abaqus/Standard the challenge is always to obtain a convergent solution in the least possible computational time. In these cases automatic control of the time increment is usually more efficient because Abaqus/Standard can react to nonlinear response that you cannot predict ahead of time. Automatic control is particularly valuable in cases where the response or load varies widely through the step, as is often the case in diffusion-type problems such as creep, heat transfer, and consolidation. Ultimately, automatic control allows nonlinear problems to be run with confidence in Abaqus/Standard without extensive experience with the problem.
Strong nonlinearities typically do not present difficulties in Abaqus/Explicit because of the small time increments that are characteristic of an explicit dynamic analysis product.
Stabilization of Unstable Problems in Abaqus/Standard
Some static problems can be naturally unstable, for a variety of reasons.
Unconstrained Rigid Body Motions
Instability may occur because unconstrained rigid body motions exist. Abaqus/Standard may be able to handle this type of problem with automatic viscous damping (see Adjusting Contact Controls in Abaqus/Standard) when rigid body motions exist during the approach of two bodies that will eventually come into contact.
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options:
Localized Buckling Behavior or Material Instability
Instability may also be caused by localized buckling behavior or by material instability; such instabilities are especially significant when no time-dependent behavior exists in the material modeling. The static, general analysis procedures in Abaqus/Standard can stabilize this type of problem if you request it (see Static Stress Analysis, Quasi-Static Analysis, Steady-State Transport Analysis, Fully Coupled Thermal-Stress Analysis, Fully Coupled Thermal-Electrical-Structural Analysis, or Coupled Pore Fluid Diffusion and Stress Analysis).
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options: