Basics: |
Title | Enter a title that briefly defines the defect. |
Expected Completion Date | The date when all associated defect actions are complete and verified. |
Reported Against Model Version | Click the ellipsis button to search for and select the model version that the defect affects. |
Introduced In | Click the ellipsis button to select the first revision of the model version where the defect is thought to exist. |
When Found | Select an option from the drop-down menu to indicate the stage of the model version development process where the defect was discovered: - Development
- First Pass Test
- Second Pass Test
- Final Qualification
- After Release
- N/A
Details: |
Severity | Click the option that indicates how severe the Defect is, where S0 is a showstopper and S3 is the least severe. |
Priority | Click the option that indicates the priority for fixing this defect, where P0 means the highest priority and P3 is the lowest priority. |
Description | Enter a detailed description of the defect. |
Steps to Reproduce | Enter a step-by-step procedure showing exactly how to reproduce the defect. |
Environment | Click the ellipsis button to select the environment (client and server operating systems, browsers, and so on) in use when the defect was discovered. |
Summary: |
Regression | Click Yes or No. |
Regression From | If regression is Yes, click the ellipsis button to select the model version revision where the feature last worked. |
Regression Details | Enter a detailed description of the change that broke the relevant feature. |
Notes | Use this field to enter discussion notes about the defect or attach a document. Click Public Reply (anyone with access to the defect can view the notes) or Private Reply (only those users from your organization can view the notes). |
Subscribers | Click the ellipsis button to select people and member lists to be notified whenever a change is made to this defect. You can also type names to add them to the list, or delete a name (using your keyboard) to remove them from the list. The names or member lists shown in this field replace any existing list of subscribers, they are not added to the existing list. |
Keywords | Enter a list of terms relevant to this defect that people can use when searching for defects. |