Importing a DesignSync Module Hierarchy as a Model Version Hierarchy

If you are using DesignSync, you can automatically create a model version hierarchy for a model version revision from the DesignSync module data.

Note: If a module has previously been imported into a model version revision, you can re-import the module to update the model version revision.

Required access roles:

  • App-specific: Defect Engineer
  • Baseline: Leader

Before you begin: The model version revision must have a DFSA connection to the DesignSync module. See Connecting a Revision to a DesignSync Object. Open the Model Version Hierarchy page for the model version. See Model Version Hierarchy Page.
See Also
About Model Version Revision Hierarchies
About Importing Legacy DesignSync Module Hierarchies
  1. Select the model version.
  2. From the toolbar, select Actions > Import Module Hierarchy .
  3. Enter these details:

    Field NameDescription
    StoreSelect a store from the drop-down list or click to search for and select the required store. Depending on how many stores are defined, you could see either the list or the browse button.

    Cannot be edited if an import had previously been run.

    PathStart typing, or click to select the path in the store where the DesignSync module to be imported is located.

    Cannot be edited if an import had previously been run.

    SelectorType in the selector identifying the module version to be imported.

    Cannot be edited if an import had previously been run.

    Href Traversal ModeSelect the Static or Normal. The default is Normal.
    Recursion LevelSelect Full or One level. Full imports the entire hierarchy. One level only imports the next sublevel (all submodules at that level) for the context model version revision. You cannot choose a specific number of levels.
    When Model Version does not existChoose what the app should do if a matching model version revision cannot be found for a module being imported:

    CreateCreate a model version for the unmatched module.
    IgnoreSkip the module and any of its submodules. All modules with matching model versions will be imported.
    ErrorDisplay an error message and cancel the import for all modules, even those for which a matching model version was found.

    Regardless of your choice here, if a model version has children that do not have matching submodules (that is, the model versions were manually created and not imported), those children are retained in the model version hierarchy.

    Dry RunCheck this box to report any discrepancies in the DesignSync module hierarchy on import. This option merely checks the hierarchy; it does not update the hierarchy.

    The contents of the fields in the Import DesignSync Module dialog box are displayed based on the following rules:

    Has an Import Previously Been Run for this Model Version?DSFA Connection Editable FieldsDescription
    NoDoes not existAll fields are editable.This is the first run.
    NoExistsAll fields are editable. Store, Path, and Selector contain values from DSFA connections.This is the first run.
    YesExistsStore, Path, and Selector are read-only.

    Href Traversal Mode is editable.

    This is a reimport.
    YesDoes not existAll fields are read-only. The fields show the original values.The connection was probably removed.

    When imported previously, the app stored the DesignSync URL with the model version revision. You can run the import and the app will use that value to identify a suitable store. The import then proceeds as usual.

    If the app cannot find a suitable store, it displays an error message. Click OK to clear the message. If you still need to re-import the model version data, you need to recreate the store. Make sure you create it using the same DesignSync URL as the original store.

    One exception to the above rules is that if the selected model version is a subnode in any existing model version hierarchy, then all fields with the exception of Dry Run, are read-only.

  4. Click Done.

The DesignSync module hierarchy is imported into the current context of the model version revision.

The Import Summary page displays the changes made to the system. For a dry run, it displays changes that would have been made had the action actually been performed. The following is an example of an Import Summary page for an initial import:

The following is an example of an Import Summary page for a subsequent reimport, with the Href Traversal Mode changed from normal to static:

If you have made modifications to an existing model version hierarchy, the subsequent import will make the necessary corrections.