About Working with Large Files

Process Composer provides a set of file action tools that allow you to transfer large data files between the database and the working directory.

See Also
Working With Large Files
In Other Guides

You should use the large file tools if you are working with files that are larger than 2 GB. Most web browsers cannot transfer files larger than 2 GB and will issue an error message if your file size is too large. To transfer large files, Process Composer works with the Collaboration for Microsoft client integrated with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Note: You do not need these tools when you are using the export and upload rules to transfer a large file. Use the large file tools only when manually transferring large files.

The tools allow you to do the following:

Download a Large File

Downloading a large file is similar to downloading a document—you are creating a local copy of the file that you do not intend to modify and check in. You download large files that are not versioned.

Check Out a Large File

Checking out a large file is similar to checking out a document—you own the file, and it cannot be edited by other people until you import it back into the database or cancel the checkout. You check out large files that are versioned.

Check In a Large File

Checking in a large file is similar to checking in a document—you import a versioned file, and Process Composer updates its version number.

The speed with which Process Composer moves files, large or small, between the database and your working directory is dependent on the network performance.