About Bookmark Roots

Bookmark Roots allow a team of users to access and manage simulation processes and simulation data.

See Also
Introducing the Terminology and Structure of Process Composer
Creating a Bookmark Root
About the SIMULIA Samples Workspace
In Other Guides
Bookmark Roots

You can create your simulation objects in the database with no structured organization and find them using a 6WTags search. Alternatively, you can choose to organize your simulation objects in the database under a Bookmark Root. A Bookmark Root is a collection of Bookmarks that contain simulation processes, documents, and other information assembled to accomplish a particular business need. You can configure a Bookmark Root to allow people from different departments to access the Bookmark Root content.

To display your Bookmark Roots, select from the top bar to make Collaboration and Approvals the active app and select Bookmark Workspaces from the navigation pane that appears.

You can specify which Process Composer users have access to a Bookmark Root. For example, you can allow users from outside your company to access one Bookmark Root but prevent them from accessing any others. Access rights that are provided to a user in a Bookmark Root propagate down to Bookmarks; however, they do not propagate down to any of the Process Composer entities that it contains, such as simulation folders and simulation processes. Access rights to entities within a Bookmark Root must be provided specifically. See About Access for more information.

You must activate a Bookmark Root to make it available to other users by displaying the properties of the Bookmark Root and selecting Activate from the toolbar in the Properties table page that appears. Activating a Bookmark Root changes its state from Create to Active. When you have finished with a Bookmark Root, you can change its state to Archive. Members can no longer access a Bookmark Root that has been archived, although the owner can still review its content.

See About Bookmark Roots and Bookmark Root Properties Page in the Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide for more information about Bookmark Roots.