The scallops are similar to the standard openings and are created with the position strategy. You can create the scallops using the following modes:
When you select a panel or a plate, the scallops to be created at the corners are automatically detected. By default, the scallop type is Limit/Limit. You need to select the corners to define the scallop. If you do not select any corners to define the scallops, the scallops are created on the edge. Scallops do not take into account the flanges on the plate's edges. Position Strategy
ContourIn the Contour area, select the contour type and the contour name. This list is generated from the opening table specified in Data Setup. In the Type list, the types of the opening are:
The snipe and clearance types are available only for the Limit/Limit position strategy. For the Catalog type, you can create a scallop by selecting a user-defined contour. The opening references for the catalog, snipe, and clearance types are added in the Structure Reference Catalog or the Structure Reference Library in Data Setup. |