Slots resolve the interference between a penetrated and a penetrating
element. The interference is computed upon the intersection of the canonical
molded surface (CMS) of the penetrated element (panel or plate) or the
delimited trace (DT) of the penetrated element (profile) with the delimited
trace (DT) of the penetrating element. If these elements are intersecting, a
slot is created.

- Linked to Reference
Keep this check box selected to link instantiated slot with its
slot reference. Any changes done to the slot reference will reflect in the
instantiated slots once they are synchronized.
By default, the
Linked to reference check box is
selected when the slot is defined as linkable in the slot table. If the slot is
not defined as linkable, this check box is cleared and becomes unavailable.
When this check box is selected and you create a slot, the app checks for the
previous instantiation of the same slot reference. If it does not exist, the
slot is instantiated and the parameters are linked. The public parameters are
displayed in the
Parameters area, but they are
unavailable for edition.
- Slot Parameter
- Lists the public parameters of slot. It contains the list of
parameter name and parameter value.
- Collar Parameters
Lists the public parameters of collar. It contains the list of
parameters name and parameter value.
- Collar Material and Orientation
- Preferred values only
- Shows only recommended combination of material-grade and
If the material table is not set in the
Data Setup,
this option is unavailable.
- Same as Penetrated
- Retrieves the material-grade and thickness of collar same
as of the penetrated element.
If you select this check box, the
Preferred values only check box and
the material and thickness lists become unavailable.
If the material or thickness of the penetrated element is
modified after the slot creation, you need to manually update the material and
thickness of the collar.