Section Parameters

This topic provides the brief explanations of the parameters associated with sections.

The following topics are discussed:

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Structure Section Reference
Sketching Profiles for Structure Section
Defining Anchor Points for Structure Section
Creating a Simplified Representation

Recommended Parameters

Profile height.
Width of the flange.
Thickness of the flange.
Thickness of the web.
Cross-sectional area.
The standard of the current section such as AISC.
Type of the section profile such as bulb.

Parameters for Convert Stiffener Command

This parameter derives the value of the thickness of the web.
This parameter derives the value of the height of the web.
This parameter derives the value of the material of the web.
This parameter derives the value of the thickness of the flange.
This parameter derives the value of the height of the flange.
This parameter derives the value of the material of the flange.
Note: The Web_Thickness, Web_Height and Web_Material parameters are mandatory for the Convert Stiffener command.

The following parameters are necessary to convert a stiffener into a panel and a flat bar:

This parameter specifies the resolved section of the flat bar.
This parameter specifies the parametric section shape of the flat bar.
This parameter specifies the parametric section size of the flat bar.
This parameter specifies the anchor point of the flat bar.
This parameter specifies the anchor point offset for the flat bar.
This parameter specifies the web angle for the flat bar.

Tip: To expose the section to the Convert Stiffener command with some automation, you can add section parameters that will be used by the command to pre-fill plate inputs. These parameters must be declared. Also, there should not be any subset.

In the sample Structure_Sections.3dxml file provided with this app following sections have section parameters predefined: WT8x25, WT2.5x9.5, WT18x179.5, WT18x115, FL_20x0.025, FL_10x0.1875, FL_18x0.395 and FL_8x1. For the sample file, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Content Reference Guide: Samples for Sections.

Required For Analysis Purposes

The parameters required for analysis are: D (profile height), Bf (flange width), Tw (web thickness), Tf (flange thickness), vxm (radius for circular section), WallThickness (wall thickness for circular and rectangular sections), CatalogName, and ProfileType.

In the Structural Model Creation app, when you create a finite element model for a functional structure, beam profiles are created based on a ProfileType parameter set in the structure section. If the ProfileType parameter is not defined, the section name is used to create the beam profile.

ProfileType Section Beam profile (Finite Element Model) Required Parameters for Analysis
Tee WT* T D, Tw, Bf, Tf
Beam W*, S*, M* I D, Tw, Bf[_Lower/_Upper], Tf[_Lower/_Upper]
RectangularBar FL* Rectangular D, Bf
Angle L* L D, Tw, Bf, Tf
Bulb HP* L D, Tw
Pipe PIPE* Pipe vxm, Tw/WallThickness
RectangularHollow RECT*, SQUA* Box D, Bf, Tw/WallThickness
Channel - Channel D, Bf, Tw, Tf

ProfileType is also used for manufacturing purposes.

If the section has two asymmetric flanges, the following parameters are required: upper flange thickness (Tf_Upper), lower flange thickness (Tf_Lower), upper flange width (Bf_Upper), and lower flange width (Bf_Lower).