You can create a view update rule by selecting an object from the view or by using a
Knowledgeware script.
From the
Condition list, select one of the following:
- Object Selection: Select an object
or an item from the generated view.
- Knowledgeware Rule: Click
edit the Knowledgeware script.
Select the
2D Graphic properties check box and specify
the required graphic parameters.
- Optional:
Select the
Inhibit View Operators check box and select
Clipping and
Breakout Operation check boxes.
- Optional:
Select the
Area Fill check box and select the required
- Optional:
Select the
No Show check box.
- The rule of type object selection is created and always inserted above rule of type
Knowledgeware script.
- The rule of type Knowledgeware script is created and always inserted below the rule of
type object selection.
- If a view update rule is created using a Knowledgeware script and this
script is written to run a rule on the feature level, then the product
linked to the view must be loaded in the edit mode. Else the rule might
not run on the feature while updating the view and the result can be
incorrect. While updating the view, the product linked to the view is
not loaded by default.