Opening on Profile Dialog Box

The Opening on Profile dialog box appears when you select Opening on Profile in the Detail section of the action bar. It provides various options to create the opening on stiffener, stiffener on free edge or beam.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:


Select the appropriate category from the Category list.

To select the category defined in the Project Dictionary resource, set in Data Setup, click More... in the Category list. The Types Browser Dialog Box appears.

If no project dictionary is set in Data Setup, only the default category is available.

You can change the category while editing the opening on profile.


By default, the Automatic check box is selected. Clear it to type the required name for opening on profile.

Note: If an action rule is set in Rules Catalog or Rules Library in Data Setup, and if you retain the selection of the Automatic check box, the name is automatically assigned to opening as per naming action rule. For more information, see Action Rule for Naming.

Applied To

The Applied To box shows the object to which the opening will be applied. You can click in the box and select profile (stiffener, stiffener on free edge or beam).

The can be used to check the list of the selected elements. You can replace or remove previously selected elements using this option and close the window.


In the Method list, select the appropriate method for creating the opening:

Standard Opening


Click to define the opening contour, its position and contour parameters. The Standard Opening on Profile Dialog Box appears.

Select any one of the options to define the direction in which the opening contour is projected to create opening on the profile (either on web or flange).
  • Trans.: creates opening on the flange.
  • Vert.: creates opening on the web.
In the Forming list, select the required forming mode.

By default, Molded Form is set as the forming mode. For more information, see Forming mode.

In the Extrusion box, define the limits for extrusion Up To Last or Limit1/Limit2
This box gets activated if Limit1/Limit2 is selected in the Extrusion box. In the Limit1 box, type the offset from contour for Limit1.
This box gets activated if Limit1/Limit2 is selected in the Extrusion box. In the Limit2 box, type the offset from contour for Limit2.

Sketched Opening


In the in the Profile box, select an existing sketch profile. If you create a sketch contour by clicking , the name of opening contour is automatically displayed in the Profile box.

The is used to check the list of the selected profiles. You can replace or remove previously selected profiles using this icon and close the window.
In the Support box, select the support for sketch. Click to sketch the opening contour.

By default, the support of the element on which the opening is to be created is selected as support, if it is planar.

In the Direction box, define the direction in which the opening contour is projected to the element to which the opening is to be created. It can be planar surface or a line.
By default, the support of the element to which the opening is to be created is selected as the direction.
Note: You can create a line or a plane to define the direction using the stack commands like Create Line or Create Plane respectively.
In the Forming list, select the required forming mode.

By default, Molded Form is set as the forming mode. For more information, see Forming mode.

In the Extrusion box, define the limits for extrusion Up To Last or Limit1/Limit2
This box gets activated if Limit1/Limit2 is selected in Extrusion box. In the Limit1 box, type the offset from contour for Limit1.
This box gets activated if Limit1/Limit2 is selected in Extrusion box. In the Limit2 box, type the offset from contour for Limit2.

3D Object Opening

Cutting elements

In the Cutting elements box, you can select existing 3D elements to create the opening. A 3D element can be a closed surface or a solid. It must intersect the Applied To element.

The is used to check the list of the selected elements. You can replace or remove previously selected elements using this option and close the window.