Actual Planogram Properties

This page displays the details of the actual planogram. You can open the actual planogram in Store Studio, clone it, and modify its details.

Required access roles: Author, Leader, Reader, Contributor, Owner

To access this page:

  1. From the Actual Planograms page, click the title of the required actual planogram.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Field Name Description
Title Title of the actual planogram.
Description Description of the actual planogram.
Date Date from which the actual planogram is effective.
Retail StoreRetail store to which the actual planogram is associated.
Retail CategoryRetail category to which the actual planogram is associated.
OwnerName of the object owner.
OrganizationName of the object owner's organization.
Collaborative SpaceName of the collaborative space.


Store StudioOpens the actual planogram in Store Studio.

An Author, Leader, or Reader can open the actual planogram in Store Studio.

CloneAllows you to clone the actual planogram.

Click Clone. In the Clone Composition page, enter a title and a description, and click Done.

An Author or a Leader can clone the actual planogram.

Edit DetailsAllows you to modify the details of the actual planogram. You can modify the title, description, date, and the owner.

An Author or a Leader can edit the details of the actual planogram.

First Person ShopperOpens the first person shopper experience.
Prepare Local DeploymentAllows you to prepare the first person shopper experience for offline viewing.
Download Local DeploymentAllows you to download the first person shopper experience for offline viewing.