Displaying Business Information in the Widget

You can display business information data in the My 3D Merchandising Content widget.

Required access roles: Author, Leader, Reader

Before you begin: Open a 3D model prepared in the 3D Merchandising app in the My 3D Merchandising Content widget. For more information, see Annotating Merchandising Content.
See Also
Displaying Business Information
  1. In the Merchandising Review panel, click Display Business Data .
    An Import Business Data dialog box appears.
  2. To import business information from an external server, do the following.
    1. Select one of the following tabs:
      • Last Year
      • Last Month
      • Last Week
    2. Select a store.
    3. Click Import.
  3. To import business information from an excel sheet, do the following.
    1. Click Import Excel in the Import Business Data dialog box.
    2. Browse and select the excel sheet.

The business data is imported and the business information are available in the 3D model.

Important: A business indicator section is added to the left panel. The section lists the indicators and the colors mapped to them in the 3D model. Select a group to view the business information added for the group. Click an indicator in the section to hide or show its values in the 3D model.