Linear Structural Scenario Creation

Linear Structural Scenario Creation provides the tools to define and perform linear simulations on a mechanical model.

See Also
What's New
Linear Structural Scenario Creation Basics
In Other Guides

This video is based on the user interface in an earlier release, but the concepts described are still valid.

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Linear Structural Scenario Creation is a native app that lets you create and manage:

  • Procedures (such as linear static, buckling, frequency, steady-state thermal, harmonic, and modal dynamic) that configure the analysis type, sequence of steps, and time scale.
  • Initial conditions (such as temperature) that set the values of certain variables at the start of the simulation.
  • Interactions that define the response of contacting model regions.
  • Restraints (such as clamps, hinges, and ball joints) that fix translational or rotational degrees of freedom of portions of the model.
  • Loads (such as pressure and forces) that represent concentrated or distributed tractions applied to a model by an external source.
  • Thermal conditions (such as temperature, heat flux, and ambient radiation) that can induce stress or change the model properties.
  • Output requests that generate simulation results data.

For information about accessing Linear Structural Scenario Creation, see Opening an App from the Compass.

Before you begin using Structural Scenario Creation, you must define the simulation model. You create the simulation model, which includes material assignments, material properties, sections, and connections, using Structural Model Creation. For more information about materials, see the Simulation Materials guide.

When you run the simulation, you must choose a licensing configuration that determines what resources are used. For more information about licensing, see the Simulation Licensing guide.

After you run your simulation, you can use Physics Results Explorer to generate plots and reports to view and share your results and to make decisions about the model's design.