R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)
Output Requests for Plasticity CorrectionsBenefits: Neuber and Glinka plasticity corrections provide an estimate of plasticity
solution of a model that is analyzed with purely elastic material properties. They use
less computation resources compared to running a nonlinear simulation. You can use them
in durability analyses for life predictions based on elastic solution and for concept
design optimization workflows.
For more information, see
Plasticity Corrections
Bolt PreloadingBenefits: The ability to create a bolt preload step allows you to much more accurately
represent scenarios where components of the design are fixed using bolts.
For more information, see
About Preload Steps
R2022x GA
Revised Supports for Element Type AssignmentsBenefits: Using section definitions for element type assignments, combined with an
improved user interface, provides greater flexibility and makes it easier to review and
update element assignments.
For more information, see
About Element Types
Assigning Element Types