Click Choosing the self-organizing map techniqueYou can choose between two techniques for creating a self-organizing map. The difference between the two techniques is the type of error they try to minimize during the construction of the map. If you are using self-organizing maps to identify clusters, you should select the Preserve topology of sample space technique (default). If you are more concerned with the accuracy of the self-organizing maps, you should select the Maximize resolution of fit technique. In most cases, you will be interested in identifying clusters.
Setting the number of iterationsYou can enter the number of iterations that Results Analytics performs (the outer loop described in The Self-Organizing Maps Algorithm). If you have a large number of data points and/or parameters, you can accelerate the generation of the self-organizing maps by decreasing the number of iterations, although the accuracy of the maps will suffer. Conversely, to increase the accuracy of the self-organizing maps, you can increase the number of times Results Analytics repeats this process. However, you will probably not experience much improvement in the accuracy of the maps beyond the default 10 iterations. The self-organized map displayed by Results Analytics for each parameter is the best map chosen from amongst the maps generated by all of the iterations. |