
To complete this example successfully, you must have access to the required apps and sample files and to sufficient computing resources. In addition, you need a basic understanding of the features and concepts introduced in the example. A list of related guides and resources describes where you can find additional information about the apps and tools used to solve the example.

This page discusses:


Your 3DEXPERIENCE platform roles must provide access to the following apps:

  • Fluid Model Creation
  • Fluid Scenario Creation
  • Mesh Creation
  • Physics Results Explorer


This example was developed on the R2022x GA version of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and is expected to be compatible with later releases.

Solve Time

This simulation takes approximately eight hours to complete on a typical desktop with four CPUs and 16 GB RAM.

Sample Data

The Knowledge Base article Sample Data: Heat Exchanger Efficiency provides the 3D XML data used in the example.


You should be familiar with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform as well as basic engineering concepts, such as mechanical forces and fluid dynamics.

Related Guides and Resources

Guide Description
3DEXPERIENCE Platform Describes the key concepts and capabilities of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, such as the Compass, 6WTags, 3DSearch, and 3DNotification.
3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Describes the user interface and tools common to all native apps. This guide complements 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.
Simulation | Fluids | Fluid Model Creation Describes how to define a fluid simulation model.
Simulation | Fluids | Fluid Scenario Creation Describes how to define and run steady-state and transient fluid flow simulations.
Simulation | Multidiscipline and Multiscale | Material Definition Describes how to define materials, apply materials to objects, and explore materials and material domains.
Simulation | Multidiscipline and Multiscale | Mesh Creation Describes how to discretize model geometry into the finite elements required to compute simulation results.
Simulation | Multidiscipline and Multiscale | Physics Results Explorer Describes how to perform detailed simulation results visualization for models of all sizes using a wide selection of tools.
Simulation | Multidiscipline and Multiscale | Physics Simulation Fundamentals Describes the interactions, tools, and behaviors common to most physics simulation apps.

If you have a 3DEXPERIENCE ID, you can find additional assistance as follows:

  • The Program Directory includes the latest information about new features and known issues.
  • The Knowledge Base provides question-and-answer articles for a wide range of content. You can search the Knowledge Base for information relevant to your app.

Information about working with simulations and processes is also available in the 3DEXPERIENCE section of the SIMULIA Community. The SIMULIA Community is the place to find the latest resources for SIMULIA software and to collaborate with other users.