Creating a Foundation

You can create a foundation using the grids and Structure Design objects like plates, panels, and beams.

For more information about how to create Structure Design objects, see Structure Design User's Guide.

Before you begin: Create a grid. See Creating a Grid.
  1. Right-click Steel Outfitting Design and select Insert > Extended Product.
  2. In the New Content dialog box, select Types > Steel Outfitting > Foundation .
  3. In the Foundation dialog box, specify the title (for example Foundation) and the design range, and click OK.

    Important: The Steel Outfitting Design app supports normal and large ranges only.

    The Foundation node is added in the tree under the Steel Outfitting Design node.
  4. Double-click the Foundation node in the tree to activate it.
  5. From the Compass, click Structure Design.
  6. From the Function section of the action bar, click Beam - Curve .
    The Beam - Curve panel appears.
  7. Create the beams using the grid elements.
    For more information, see Creating a Member Using a Curve.

  8. From the Detail section of the action bar, click End Cut .
    The End Cut panel appears.
  9. Create the end cuts of the beams to maintain the connectivity.

    For more information, see Creating End Cuts.

    The foundation is created with grids, beams, and endcuts.

    Note: You can create a foundation with a panel, plate, parametric plate, endcut, opening, opening on profile, and flange. The seam and advanced copy operations can be performed on these objects in Structure Design.