List of Attributes for a Content Type

You can view the list of attributes already defined for a content type. The list lets you create and remove attributes, and then apply (deploy) your changes.

To access this list:

  1. Open the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget. For more information, see Widgets to Configure Content and Business Rules.
  2. In the menu in the left pane, click Attributes Management.
  3. Click the content type. The panes slide to show the list of content types in the left pane, and a table of existing attributes in the right pane.

See Also
Adding Custom Attributes to Types
Column Name Description
Type (Length) The data type of the attribute.
Name The system name for the attribute.
Title The attribute label in web, dashboard and native apps for the attribute. This cell can be blank, and if so, the internal name is used as the attribute label.
Default Value The default value, if any, for the attribute.

The default value applies when using interactive commands from a native app, such as "New", "New Major Revision", "Advanced Search", and "Import" (CATIA File). For other functions such as "Import (3DXML)," the default value is not set.

Mandatory Shows a green checkmark when enabled. If so, the user must enter a value when creating or editing the content type.
Multi Valuated Shows a green checkmark when enabled. If so, the user can enter more than one value for the attribute when creating or editing the content type.
Export in 3DXML If enabled, allows the attribute to be exported to 3DXML, a proprietary XML-based format used to export and import 3D data. This option applies only to native apps.
Reset when Duplicated If enabled, when the type is duplicated, the value for this attribute is reset to the default, if any. If disabled, the current value is copied to the duplicated object.
Reset when Versioned If enabled, when the type is versioned, the value for this attribute is reset to the default, if any. If disabled, the current value is copied to the new version.
Read-Only Shows a green checkmark when enabled. If so, the attribute is read-only, meaning that the value can only be entered using an external app (based on CAA/Automation programming) and not by a native app or web app user.
Indexed When selected, the full-text search app indexes the attribute values for fast search results.

You can click the button to enable or disable indexing for an attribute. If you change the setting for a deployed attribute, the app updates the deployed status to (meaning you need to apply the change).

Authorized Values Users can only select one of the defined values and cannot enter any different value.
6W Predicate Supports 6W-based searches on the added attribute. The predicate determines what tags the attribute is associated with.
Dimensions (Unit) For Real attribute types only, shows a selected dimension and units.

Click the icon to execute that action:

Action Description
Delete Attribute Deletes the attribute. Moves to the Deploy Status column and shows it in red.

Click Apply.

Edit Attribute Edits the attribute definition.
Warning: Add and edit custom attributes only before inviting users to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, and before any content is created. For more information, see Process for Adding Custom Attributes.
For more information, see Editing Custom Attributes.

Deploy Status

The icon shows the current status of the attribute:

Icon Description
Black You created an attribute during this session, but have not yet applied it to the content type.
Yellow You imported an attribute, but have not yet applied it to the content type.
Green The attribute is deployed on the content type.
Red You deleted the attribute during this session, but have not yet applied that deletion.

Reset only reverts changes that have not been applied.