About Customizing VPLMInteg-SynchParameters Object

You can customize the VPLMInteg-SynchParameters object. The attributes of this object store the type and attribute mapping information, with all the other information used for collaboration.

You can improve attribute mapping by adding information for collaboration. The OOTB attribute mapping information provided by default is necessary for the collaboration mechanism and it must not be modified or removed. All modifications done in VPLMInteg-SynchParameters object must be validated. For more information, see Validating Collaboration Environment and Data.

Note: We are explaining the customization of NewTypingTeam revision of VPLMInteg-SynchParameters object for baseline behavior solution.

By default, There are four revisions of VPLMInteg-SynchParameters objects available:

  • VPM
  • NewTypingVPM
  • Team
  • NewTypingTeam

Depending upon the solution, respective VPLMInteg-SynchParameters object revision is used or available for customizing.

This page discusses:

VPLMInteg-TypeMapping (multiline string)

This attribute specifies how types map from Engineering BOM Management app to Product Finder app. This is used to determine what type of object should be created during the publishing operation, and what relationship to create between them, if any, to manage the collaboration.

The From Type may be an abstract level type, however the To Type must be a concrete one. Due to the ambiguity during creation, a type can be used only once as a source. For example, as we have the mapping Part|Part Specification,VPMReference in NewTypingTeam, you cannot reuse the type Part as source in another mapping in this attribute.

It is mandatory to use type with CustomerExposition property defined as Programmer, others are not supported.

Only two types that already have their parent types mapped together in the OOTB mapping can be mapped. The mapping relation must be the same as the one used for type parent mapping. If a type is defined in VPLMInteg-TypesNotSynchronized, it cannot be collaborated, so it must not be used in this attribute. If you try to collaborate such a type, it is not processed and the message No collaboration possible for the selected Root is displayed in the collaboration detailed report.


From Type|Mapping Relation,To Type


Map all part (and all sub-types of Part) to VPMReference, with the part specification relationship between them.

Part|Part Specification,VPMReference

Map all products (and all its sub-types) to VPMReference, with the product specification relationship between them.

Products|Product Specification,VPMReference


This attribute must not be customized.

VPLMInteg-VPMToMxTypeMapping (multiline string)

This attribute specifies how types map from Product Finder to Engineering BOM Management. This is used to determine what type of object should be created during the publishing operation, and which relationship to create between them, if any, to manage the collaboration.

The From Type may be an abstract level type, however the To Type must be a concrete one. The Product Finder types and attributes must be used exactly as they are seen by the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform.

Due to the ambiguity during creation, a type can be used only once as a source. For example, as we have the mapping “VPMReference|Part Specification,Part” in NewTypingteam, you cannot reuse the type VPMReference as source in another mapping in this attribute.

It is mandatory to use type with CustomerExposition property defined as Programmer, others are not supported. For VPM type, only type accessible in PLMNew must be used.

Only two types that already have their parent types mapped together in the OOTB mapping can be mapped. The mapping relation must be the same as the one used for type parent mapping. If a type is defined in VPLMInteg-TypesNotSynchronized, it cannot be collaborated, so it must not be used in this attribute.

There are two ways to perform TypeMapping:

  1. Direct Mapping:


    From Type|Mapping Relation,To Type


    Map all VPMReference (and all sub-types) to part type with the part specification relationship between them.

    VPMReference|Part Specification,Part

  2. Using JPO: Specify a JPO name and the method name in the enhanced Type mapping definition instead of the mapped type name. The collaborator invokes the named JPO and the method to get the Type name, the Policy name, and the Release Phase attribute value of the mapped object.


    <From Type name>|<Mapping Relation name>,[JPO:<Name of Program>,<Name of Method>]


    Map all VPMReference (and all sub-types ) to part type with the part specification relationship between them.

    VPMReference|Part Specification,[JPO:VPLMIntegMappedObjectInformation,getMappedTypeAndPolicy]

    The JPO specification indicates to the collaborator that the type name, policy name, and the Release Phase attribute value have to be obtained by invoking the JPO. The collaborator gets the JPO name and the method name from the mapping definition and invokes the JPO and the named method to get the type name, policy name, and the Release Phase attribute value. The returned type name, policy name, and the Release Phase attribute value are used to create the mapped object.

    The following actions must be applied to the method named in the type mapping definition implemented in the JPO:

    • The method should have the signature and the return type as in the example below:

      Hashtable getMappedTypeAndPolicy(Context context,string[]args)


      • The input arguments should be Context and a String array in conformance with the convention for public JPO methods.
      • The return type of the method should be Hashtable.
    • The Business Object Id of the object being collaborated should be provided as the input to the method in the input string array. It is packed by the collaboration engine using the following sample code:

      Hashtable argTable = new Hashtable();
      argTable.put("OBJECT_ID", rootObjectID);
      String[] arguments = JPO.packArgs(argTable);

      The Business Object ID is packed in the string array with the key name OBJECT_ID.

    • The input arguments should be unpacked in the JPO method using the following sample code:
      Hashtable argTable = JPO.unpackArgs(args);
      String rootObjectId = (String)
    • The output Hashtable must contain the following String type data against the keys specified as follows:
      Key Expected Value Expected Type
      TYPE_NAME Type name of the mapped object String
      POLICY_NAME Name of the policy String
      RELEASE_PHASE Value of the Release Phase attribute String
    • Ensure that:
      1. The Type name and the Policy name returned by the JPO are compatible with each other.
      2. The mapping relationship named in the type mapping definition is compatible with both from type in the type mapping definition and the type name returned in the Hashtable by the JPO method. That is, From Type name is listed in the From Types of the mapping relationship and to type name returned in the Hashtable is listed in the To Types of the mapping relationship.
      3. The Release Phase attribute value returned by the JPO must be valid.
    • The information from the JPO about the type, policy, and the Release Phase is considered even if the mapping is defined for the policy and the release phase in VPLMInteg-TypeDefaultPolicy attribute.

VPLMInteg-TypeAttrMapping (multiline string)

This attribute specifies how the attributes are mapped between types. This attribute is used only in the Engineering BOM Management app to Product Finder app direction. The types used in this attribute may be higher level abstract types, so that all subtypes will inherit the mapping. The types used here must be in the hierarchy of the types defined in VPLMInteg-TypeMapping.

For a same type mapping, an attribute can be used only one time as target. Thus, a VPM attribute cannot be used two times with the same mapping type in VPLMInteg-TypeAttrMapping attribute. For example, in the NewTypingTeam mapping Part,$$Name$$|VPMReference,PLMEntity.PLM_ExternalID, it is not possible to reuse the VPM attribute VPMReference,PLMEntity.PLM_ExternalID as target for the type mapping Part/VPMReference. As all subtypes inherit the mapping, an attribute already used as a target in parent mapping cannot be reused as a target in subtypes mapping.

Only attributes of same type can be mapped. For attributes having range, range compatibility must be maintained to map attributes.

Attributes with protection Private, Internal, or Undefined, as defined in the Product Finder metadata must not be used to customize the mapping. Only the attributes with protection Free can be used as target (read –write). However, some free attributes are considered as read-only and must not be used as target.

Engineering Central system attributes must be enclosed by $$ for correct identification and processing.

Note: The attribute(s) on the from side can be an attribute concatenation expression. See the dedicated section for more details.

For list of Part and Product attributes available for mapping, see Part and Product Attributes available for Attribute Mapping.

For information about attribute mapping between Part and Product types, see Configuring Attribute Mapping for EBOM/Product Collaboration in the Collaborative Spaces Control Center Administrator's Guide.

Note: Only single-value attributes can be mapped. Multi-valuated attributes are not supported. If you try to map multi-valuated attributes, the collaboration fails.



Supported system attributes on the "from" side are:











Description is a read-write attribute.

  • OOTB mapping must not be modified or removed. However an exception can be considered for OOTB mapping used to map attributes for description. These mappings can be modified or removed by respecting rules without impacting the collaboration. For example, it is possible to remove the following attribute mapping: Part,$$Description$$|VPMReference,PLMEntity.V_description.
  • VPM Attributes VPLMatt/PLMEntity/PLM_ExternalID must not be used as target.

Example of customization:

For Part and its subtypes, map the Organization system attribute to PLMReference.V_versionComment attribute on the target type and all its derived types.


Example of OOTB mapping for revision NewTypingVPM:




VPLMInteg-VPMToMxTypeAttrMapping (multiline string)

This attribute specifies how the attributes are mapped between types. This attribute is used in the Product Finder to Engineering BOM Management direction only. The types used in this attribute may be higher level abstract types, so that all subtypes will inherit the mapping. However, the types used here must be in the type hierarchy of the types defined in VPLMInteg-TypeMapping.

For the same type mapping, an attribute can be used only one time as a target. A Matrix attribute cannot be used two times with the same type mapping in VPLMInteg-VPMToMxTypeAttrMapping. For example, in the OOTB NewTypingVPM mapping: VPMReference,PLMEntity.PLM_ExternalID|Part,$$Name$$, it is not possible to reuse the Matrix attribute Name as a target for the type mapping VPMReference/part. As all subtypes inherit the mapping, an attribute already use as target in parent mapping cannot be reused as target in subtypes mapping. Only attributes of same type can be mapped. For attributes having range, range compatibility must be maintained to map attributes.

Attributes with the protection Private, Internal, or Undefined, as defined in the Product Finder metadata, must not be used to customize the mapping. Only attributes with protection Free can be used as a target. However, some Free attributes must not be used as target.

Engineering Central system attributes must be enclosed by $$ for correct identification and processing.

For list of Part and Product attributes available for mapping, see Part and Product Attributes available for Attribute Mapping.

For information about attribute mapping between Part and Product types, see Configuring Attribute Mapping for EBOM/Product Collaboration in the Collaborative Spaces Control Center Administrator's Guide.

Note: Only single-value attributes can be mapped. Multi-valuated attributes are not supported. If you try to map multi-valuated attributes, the collaboration fails.



Note: The attribute(s) on the from side can be an attribute concatenation expression. See the dedicated section for more details.

Supported system attributes are:











  • OOTB mapping must not be modified or removed. However, an exception can be considered for OOTB mapping used to map attributes for description. These mappings can be modified or removed by respecting rules without impacting the collaboration. For example, it is possible to remove the following attribute mapping: VPMReference,PLMEntity.V_description|Part,$$Description$$.

  • The Matrix attribute Name must not be used as target.

Example of customization:

For VPLMtyp/VPMReference and its subtypes, map PLMReference.V_ApplicabilityDate to the Effectivity Date attribute on the target type.

VPMReference,PLMReference.V_ApplicabilityDate|Part,Effectivity Date

Example of OOTB mapping for revision NewTypingVPM:



VPLMInteg-TypeDefaultPolicy (multiline string)

This attribute specifies the policy to be used when creating an object of a given type. This declaration is only necessary for Engineering BOM Management objects that would be published from Product Finder. This setting should be changed if customized policies are used.





Syntax specific for Part

Type|Policy,Release Phase


Part|EC Part,Development


This attribute is added to define the extension type mapping. This setting overrides the VPLMInteg-VPMtoMxTypeMapping. In other words, if the base type VPMReference object is mapped to Part, but it has an extension PipPart, then this setting is used to create a Piping Part.


VPM Extension Name|Matrix Type Name

Note: When mapping extension types, a single object may have multiple extensions. This must be considered when defining the mapping to avoid any duplication.


A piping product has two extensions:

  1. VPLMitf/PipPar
  2. VPLMitf/PipRigidPipe OR VPLMitf/PipFlexiblePipe

The mapping should be defined so that there is only one possibility. Thus, either map VPLMitf/PipPart to a single type:

VPLMitf/PipPart|Piping Part

Or map the more specialized interfaces to dedicated types.

VPLMitf/PipRigidPipe|Rigid Piping Part

VPLMitf/PipRigidPipe|Flexible Piping Part

Note: It is mandatory to use interface with CustomerExposition property defined as Programmer. Others are not supported.


This attribute is added for defining the extension mapping from Product Finder to Engineering BOM Management direction.

Note: Only single-value attributes can be mapped. Multi-valuated attributes are not supported. If you try to map multi-valuated attributes, the collaboration fails.


VPM extension attribute to Matrix OOTB attribute:

VPM Extension Name, extension Attribute Name|Matrix Type Name,Attribute Name

VPM extension attribute to Matrix extension attribute:

VPM Extension Name, extension Attribute Name|Matrix Type Name, extension Attribute Name

OOTB VPM attribute to Matrix extension attribute:

VPM type Name, Attribute Name| Matrix Type Name, extension Attribute Name


VPLMitf/PipPart,VPLMatt/PipPart/V_WallThickness|Piping Part,Thickness



Rules to map extension attributes are the same as rules to map Type attribute (see VPLMInteg-TypeAttrMapping attribute).

Note: As per the standard attribute mappings, choose the attribute mappings carefully so that the two attributes are compatible.

  • Do not map a string attribute and a real attribute.
  • Be sure to check any attributes that may have defined ranges.

VPLMInteg-TypeDefaultVault (multiline string)

This attribute maps a given type to the vault that should be used for creation. This declaration is only necessary for Engineering BOM Management objects that would be published from Product Finder. This setting should be changed if customized policies are used.




Part|eSample Production

VPLMInteg-TypeDefaultRevision (multiline string)

This attribute must not be used.

VPLMInteg-TypeRelationToExpand (multiline string)

This attribute must not be used.

VPLMInteg-RelationMapping (multiline string)

This attribute specifies how relationship types map from Engineering BOM Management to Product Finder, and is similar to the VPLMInteg-TypeMapping. You may also specify a mapping relationship to help manage the collaboration in cases of multi-usage where one Engineering BOM Management relationship may be mapped to many Product Finder ones, such as the case between Engineering BOM Management and Product Finder product.


From Relationship|Mapping Relation, To Relationship


Map all EBOM relationships to the Instance at the VPM Instance relationship with a VPLMInteg-VPLMProjection relationship in between.


Note: For VPLMInteg-TypeMapping, a relationship can be used only one time by source and must have the CustomerExposition property defined as Programmer. Only two relationships already having their parent relationships mapped together in the OOTB mapping can be mapped.

VPLMInteg-VPMToMxRelationMapping (multiline string)

This attribute specifies how relationship types map from Product Finder to Engineering BOM Management, and is similar to the VPLMInteg-VPMToMxTypeMapping. You may also specify a mapping relationship to help manage the collaboration, such as the case between Engineering BOM Management and Product Finder Product.


From Relationship|Mapping Relation, To Relationship


Map the aggregation relationship in a VPM structure between types included in the PRODUCTCFG custo and its inheritance hierarchy, to the EBOM relationship in the Engineering BOM Management app, with a VPLMInteg-VPLMProjection relationship.


Note: For VPLMInteg-VPMToMxTypeMapping, a relationship can be used only one time by source and must have the CustomerExposition property defined as Programmer. Only two relationships already having their parent relationships mapped together in the OOTB mapping can be mapped.

VPLMInteg-RelationAttrMapping (multiline string)

This attribute specifies the attributes that are mapped between Engineering BOM Management and Product Finder relationships. This attribute is used only in the Engineering BOM Management to Product Finder direction. The types used in this attribute may be higher level abstract types, so that all subtypes inherits the mapping.

Note: Rules to map relation attributes are the same as rules to map Type attribute (see VPLMInteg-TypeAttrMapping attribute).




  • Map all the Component Location attribute from the EBOM relationships to the PLMInstance.V_description attribute on the VPM Instance.

    EBOM,Component Location|VPMInstance,PLMInstance.V_description

  • Map all the TreeOrder attribute from the EBOM relationships to the V_TreeOrder attribute on the VPM Instance.

    EBOM, TreeOrder|VPMInstance, PLMInstance.V_TreeOrder

    Note: Modification of the mapping between attributes TreeOrder of EBOM and V_TreeOrder of VPMInstance is forbidden as it may lead to failure during the collaboration process.

VPLMInteg-VPMToMxRelationAttrMapping (multiline string)

This attribute specifies the attributes that are mapped from Product Finder to Engineering BOM Management relationships. The types used in this attribute may be higher level abstract types, so that all subtypes will inherit the mapping.

Note: Rules to map relation attributes are the same as rules to map Type attribute (see VPLMInteg-VPMToMxTypeAttrMapping attribute).




Map the PLMInstance.V_TreeOrder attribute from the VPM Instance to the TreeOrder attribute on the EBOM relationship.


Note: Modification of the mapping between attributes TreeOrder of EBOM and V_TreeOrder of VPMInstance is forbidden as it may lead to failure during the collaboration process.

VPLMInteg-TypeDefaultAutoNameSeries (multiline string)

This attribute must not be used.

VPLMInteg- MxToVPMExtensionTypeMapping (multiline string)

This attribute is added to define the extension type mapping from Engineering BOM Management app to Product Finder app. If the base type Part object is mapped to VPMReference, but it has an extension VPMReference_Ext, this setting is used to create a VPMReference with the extension VPMReference_Ext.


Matrix Type Name|VPM Extension Name



Note: It is mandatory to use interface with CustomerExposition property defined as Programmer. Others are not supported.

VPLMInteg- MxtoVPMItfAttrMapping (multiline string)

This attribute is added for defining the extension mapping from Engineering BOM Management app to Product Finder app.

To map a Matrix type attribute or a Matrix extension attribute with a VPM extension attribute, Matrix type and VPM extension must be mapped in VPLMInteg-MxToVPMExtensionTypeMapping.

Note: Only single-value attributes can be mapped. Multi-valuated attributes are not supported. If you try to map multi-valuated attributes, the collaboration fails.


Matrix OOTB attribute to VPM extension attribute:

Matrix Type Name , Attribute Name|VPM Extension Name, extension attribute Name

Matrix extension attribute to VPM extension attribute:

Matrix Type Name , extension Attribute Name|VPM Extension Name, extension attribute Name

Matrix extension attribute to VPM OOTB attribute:

Matrix Type Name , extension Attribute Name|VPM type, attribute Name





Note: Rules to map extension attributes are the same as rules to map Type attribute (see VPLMInteg-TypeAttrMapping attribute). As per the standard attribute mappings, select the attributes appropriately such that the two attributes are compatible.
  • Do not map a string attribute and a real attribute.
  • Check the attributes having defined ranges.

VPLMInteg- TypesNotSynchronized (multiline string)

This attribute is added to define the sub types that should never be collaborated in both direction (that is, from Engineering BOM Management app to Product Finder app and vice-versa.




VPMReference|CAT_Distiller_Ref,ErgoHuman,Worker, PPRContext

Products|Software Product, Service Product

The subtypes of VPMReference defined in this attribute appears in red as Not instantiated in EBOM in the EBOM Collaboration Intention of B.I. Essentials.

Part and Product Attributes available for Attribute Mapping

Engineering Central system attributes must be enclosed by $$ for correct identification and processing. Read only attributes cannot be used as target.

Part Attribute Name System Attributes Right
Project Yes Read only
Description Yes Read - Write
Originated Yes Read only
Current Yes Read only
Modified Yes Read only
Policy Yes Read only
Owner Yes Read only
Revision Yes Read only
Organization Yes Read only
Name Yes Read only
Part Classification No Read - Write
Effectivity Date No Read - Write
V_Name No Read only
Weight No Read only
Design Purchase No Read - Write
End Item No Read - Write
End Item Override Enabled No Read - Write
Estimated Cost No Read - Write
Material Category No Read - Write
Production Make Buy Code No Read - Write
Service Make Buy Code No Read - Write
Target Cost No Read - Write
Unit of Measure No Read only
Originator No Read only
Lead Time Duration No Read - Write
UOM Type No Read only
Release Phase No Read only
Spare Part No Read - Write
Product Attribute Name Right
PLMEntity.V_CustoDiscipline Read only
PLMEntity.V_Name Read only
PLMEntity.V_sec_level Read - Write
PLMEntity.V_usage Read only
PLMEntity.V_nature Read only
PLMEntity.V_description Read - Write
PLMEntity.PLM_ExternalID Read only
PLMEntity.V_discipline Read only
PLMReference.V_isLastVersion Read only
PLMReference.V_ApplicabilityDate Read - Write
PLMReference.V_versionComment Read - Write
PLMCoreReference.V_ChangeHistory Read only
LPAbstractReference.V_Scale Read only