About Part Marking

Part marking is used to specify how a part should be physically marked or identified and how the usage of a physical instance of the part should be tracked in an "as-built" unit bill of material.

See Also
Creating a Part Marking
Editing Part Markings
Part Marking Properties Page
Marked Parts Page

The physical marking requirements are defined by a set of attributes such as serial number, part number, cage code; and the type of physical marking method to use such as label, vibro-peen, etc. The details of the marking process are captured and attached as a specification file to a part marking object.

The part marking can be specified as an attribute on a development part only after its attached specification file has been reviewed and promoted to the Approved state, and the part marking object has been reviewed and promoted to the Complete state.

Part usage tracking is accomplished by selecting whether the part is to be tracked in the as-built BOM by serial number or lot number. Parts that share common tracking requirements are attached to the same part marking object.