Predefined Queries

You can use these predefined queries in 3DSearch to quickly find the content used by this app.

For more information about using predefined queries, see 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Searching with Predefined Queries.

This page discusses:


This table lists the predefined queries for Product Structure Design content types:

Content Type Predefined Queries Predefined Queries for Standard Collaborative Spaces
Physical 3D shape 3sh s3sh
Physical product prd sprd
Physical reference ref None
Physical representation rep None

6WTags Filter

6WTags are used to filter product structure data. From the Content Structure section, you can filter the details of the structure of the content, if the content is the product node.

Warning: 6WTags filters are not supported in Product Structure Design.

This table describes the node types that can be selected in the Content Structure section.

Node type Description
Root The product that does not have any parent product but has children products.
Leaf The product that at least one parent product but does not have any child product.
Intermediate The product that has parent product(s) as well as child product(s).
Standalone The product that has neither parent nor child product.

For more information, see Filtering with 6WTags.

Available Commands

In the Search Results panel, right-click a product to select one of the following commands:

  • Properties
  • Copy
  • Insert
  • Replace
  • Duplicate and Insert
  • Related Objects