Administration: Migrating Product Graphic Properties and Flexibility Data Model

You can migrate products with graphic properties and flexibility if they are created using a version prior to 3DEXPERIENCE - R2021x FD05 (FP.2108).

Note: When you migrate a product to the current release, the migration process automatically converts:
  • The graphic properties that are defined for the product only.
  • The flexibility that is defined for the product and its children.
    Note: Since flexibility and repositionable information must be specified on each level, the complete assembly is migrated.
  • By default, when opening a product with legacy product graphic properties, a warning message is displayed. For more information about this warning preference, see General.
  • The Product Graphic Properties Status B.I. indicates the product graphic properties, and contains a command to migrate a selection of products. For more information about this B.I. command, see Product Graphic Properties.

Before you begin: Administrators must:
  • Upgrade the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform server installation.
  • Migrate the database to 3DEXPERIENCE - R2021x FD05 (FP.2108) or higher.
  • Install the 3DEXPERIENCE Product Structure Design client app.
See Also
In Other Guides
Product Graphic Properties
Product Position Mechanism
  1. Open any 3DEXPERIENCE app.
  2. From the Tools section of the action bar, expand the secondary area and select Utility .
  3. In the Batch Monitor dialog box, double-click the CATPrdPGPPMRMigrationBatch type.
  4. In the CATPrdPGPPMRMigrationBatch dialog box, proceed as follows:
    1. Select one of the following options:

      • PMR for Positional Mechanical Reference (that is, flexibility)
      • PGP for Product Graphic Properties

    2. Optional: To run the migration on check mode only, select Check mode.
    3. Optional: For a PGP migration: To migrate a selection of products instead of the full database, select these products from the Object Selection panel.
  5. Click Run to perform the batch migration on the database.
  6. Optional: To display a report describing any error or issue with the imported objects, click Open Main HTML Report .