URLs in Text Boxes

Many text boxes allow you to enter a URL, and then displays that URL as a hyperlink. If this feature is disabled for your system, the URL displays as straight text.

See Also
Viewing History for Content
Copying the URL for the Page

For example, if you enter this text into a Description field:

You can access the information at www.3ds.com.

When viewed, that description looks like:

You can access the information at http://www.3ds.com.

Anyone who views the page can click the hyperlink to open it in a new page. You can also enter URLs such as these:


and that text becomes a hyperlink as shown below:


Collaboration and Approvals considers any text starting with one of these strings as a URL:

  • http://
  • https://
  • www.
  • mailto:

If the URL includes a space, you need to enclose it in double-quotes such as this:

"http://servername.come/pagename.jsp?param1=lastname, firstname"

You can also include the link to a page in a text box. For example, the History page lists the URL address of the pages you visit, such as:


You can copy this value and paste it into a text box and is shows as a hyperlink:


Anyone viewing that page can click the link to open the linked page (they must have access to the object defined by the URL).