For example, if you enter this text into a Description field: You can access the information at When viewed, that description looks like: You can access the information at Anyone who views the page can click the hyperlink to open it in a new page. You can also enter URLs such as these: http://servername.come/pagename.jsp?param1=value1 and that text becomes a hyperlink as shown below: http://servername.come/pagename.jsp?param1=value1 Collaboration and Approvals considers any text starting with one of these strings as a URL:
If the URL includes a space, you need to enclose it in double-quotes such as this: "http://servername.come/pagename.jsp?param1=lastname, firstname" You can also include the link to a page in a text box. For example, the History page lists the URL address of the pages you visit, such as: http://enoviaserver:8080/enovia/common/emxNavigator.jsp?&suiteKey=Components&objectId=51732.9030.23829.65428 You can copy this value and paste it into a text box and is shows as a hyperlink: http://enoviaserver:8080/enovia/common/
Anyone viewing that page can click the link to open the linked page (they must have access to the object defined by the URL). |