Creating a Manufacturing Responsibility

You can create a manufacturing responsibility to describe how your organization intends to acquire a product. The organization can either make it or buy it. Using the Attributes Management feature, you can display manufacturing responsibilities in the child product list. See Customizing Product Attributes.

See Also
Manufacturing Responsibility
  1. Open the product.
  2. Click Information and select the Manufacturing Responsibility tab.
  3. Click Add and select one of the following:
    Make (Assembly) Create an assembly manufacturing item with a scope link.
    Make with product overload (Assembly) Make with product overload (Assembly)
    Make (Material) Create a material manufacturing item with a scope link.
    Make with product overload (Material) Create a material manufacturing item with a resulting product link.
    Buy Provide a manufacturing item with a scope link.
    Buy with product overload Provide a manufacturing item with a resulting product link.
  4. Select a Type, Title, and Description.
  5. Select whether the object is to be Outsourced ('Yes' or 'No'). This field appears only if you plan to make the object.
  6. Click OK.

Note: The manufacturing responsibility appears only in the Manufacturing Responsibility tab. To list the manufacturing responsibility in the Child product list, use Attribute Management to add the Manufacturing Responsibility column to the list.

The manufacturing responsibility appears in the child product list as described in the following table:

Manufacturing Responsibility 1 Manufacturing Responsibility 1 Manufacturing Responsibility Shown
Make Buy Multiple
Make (Assembly) Make with product overload (Assembly) Multiple
Make (Assembly) Make (Material) Multiple
Buy Buy with product overload Multiple
Buy with product overload Install with product overload Multiple
Make with product overload (assembly) - Make - MyCompany
Make with product overload (Material) - Make - MyCompany
Install with product overload - - MyCompany