Types of Geometric Modeling
In the app, the geometric definition of objects can be based on two types of modeling.
Exact Geometry
The underlying model of an exact geometry is built on mathematical geometric modeling (Bezier curves, NURBS, rational functions) and on associated topology information. This allows to use all the possibilities of the modeler as well as all the operators available in the app.
Polyhedral Geometry
The underlying model of surfaces and volumes using polyhedral modeler is based on triangular meshes. For polyhedral curves, the underlying model is based on the composition of linear segments.
The basic polyhedral geometry (points, segments, triangles) is completed by the system by associating useful topological information. For example: face boundaries (subset of triangles), or edge edges (set of triangle segments representing sharps edges).
The advantage of this modeling is to be able to use some geometric modeling operators as if they were exact geometries. Operators that support polyhedral geometry are listed below.
Important: Points are both exact and polyhedral geometries. |