Product Configuration Page

The product configuration page shows the variants and associated variant values, and option groups and associated options that can be selected to complete it. You can view the page in Data Grid View or in Tile View.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
Product Configuration Identity Card
Creating a Product Configuration

Product Configuration Key

The product configuration key displays how many of each type of selection you must make or have made:
Icon Description
All Criteria Shows all of the variants and option groups for which you can make a selection to complete the product configuration.
Chosen Criteria Filters to only the variants and option groups for which there is a user selection. This includes any rule-enforced automatic or default selections that you have validated.
Unselected Criteria Filters to only the variants and option groups for which there is no selection.
Rule Deduced Criteria
Complete Filters to only those variants and option groups for which you must make a selection to create a complete product configuration, as defined by rules and variant mandatory settings. Default, rule required, and mandatory criteria are automatically selected. The following icons indicate the criteria status:

Icon Criteria Status
Incompatible criteria
Dismissed criteria
Required criteria
Default criteria
Automatically selected criteria

Note: This level is only compatible with the Tile View. You cannot use it in the Data Grid View.
Aided Filters to only those variants and option groups for which you must make a compatible or mandatory selection, as defined by rules and variant mandatory settings. Default values are automatically selected. The following icons indicate the criteria status:

Icon Criteria Status
Incompatible criteria
Dismissed criteria
Required criteria
Default criteria

Compatible Filters to only those variants and option groups for which you can only make a compatible selection, as defined by rules. Incompatible options are grayed out and cannot be selected. No default values are selected. The following icons indicate the criteria status:

Icon Criteria Status
Incompatible criteria
Dismissed criteria

No Rule Applied Shows all variants and option groups for which you can make a selection, with no rules applied and no default values selected.
Mandatory Criteria Filters to only those mandatory variants for which you must make a selection to complete the product configuration, but have not done so. The icon also appears next to the mandatory variant's title in the list to help you identify them. If there is none, this category does not appear in the page key.
Conflicting Criteria Filters to only those variants and option groups where there is a rule conflict that you must resolve to complete the product configuration. The icon also appears next to the conflicting variant's title to help you identify them. If there is none, this category does not appear in the page key.

Page Actions

The following actions are available from the page toolbar:
Action Description
Search Criteria Filters the list of available variants, variant values, option groups, and options to only those whose Title contains the characters entered in the field.
Data Grid View Toggles the page display from Tile View to Data Grid View.
Sort Criteria Sorts the product configuration criteria by the Display Name (alphabetical or reverse alphabetical) or Sequence Number (numerical or reverse numerical).
Opens the 3D viewer in a pane. For more information, see Viewing the 3D Model of a Product Configuration.

Data Grid View

The Data Grid View shows the variants, variant values, option groups, and options in the following columns:

Column Description
Title The title of the variants and associated variant values, and option groups and associated options. You can sort the product configuration criteria by this column.

A icon in this column indicates that it is a mandatory criteria that must have a selection.

Type The type of object listed in the row.
Sequence Number The assigned sequence number of the variants and associated variant values, and option groups and associated options. You can sort the product configuration criteria by this column.
Configuration The current product configuration. You can change the selection in this column:

Icon Description
Indicates that this is a user selection. It was made either explicitly by a user or by validating a rule-enforced automatic or default selection. Click to validate the selection.
Indicates that there is a conflict between this selection and another selection or rule. Hover over the icon to see information about the other selection or rule that caused this conflict.
Indicates that it is a default selection.
Indicates that it is a required selection. Hover over the icon to see information about the rule that required this selection.
Indicates that it is a rejected default selection. Click to restore the default selection.
Indicates that you cannot select this value.