Artwork Elements

This page lists artwork elements that are related to a product line or a CPG product. You can create and manage artwork elements. You can also create copy lists to group artwork elements.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Leader, Owner
  • App-specific: Product Manager, Artwork Project Manager, Master Copy Author, Master Copy Approver, Local Copy Author, Local Copy Approver, Graphic Designer, Artwork Approver

To access this page:

  1. Open a product line or a CPG product. For more information, see Opening a Product Line.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • For product lines, select the Artwork Elements tab.
    • For CPG products, select the Copy and Artwork category.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Name Description
Type Type of artwork element.
: Indicates whether the countries in which the artwork element must be available for use are defined.

: Indicates that the copy element must be translated inline in local languages.

: Indicates that the copy element must not be translated.

: Indicates that the element is a structured copy element master. You can expand the structured copy element master to view the copy elements associated with it.

Language The languages in which the element is available.

The language is not shown for structured copy element masters. However, the language is shown for copy elements associated to the structured copy element master.

Display Name The name of the artwork element. Click to view its details.
Master Copy State The state of the master copy.
Copy Text The master copy content.

The copy text is not shown for structured copy element masters. However, the copy text is shown for copy elements associated to the structured copy element master.

Place of Origin Place of origin of the artwork element.
Note: If an existing artwork element is added to the product line, the Place Of Origin column displays Multiple for the added artwork element. To view the where used details of an artwork element, you can right-click the Display Name of the artwork element and select Place Of Origin.
Note: You can use the GetMasterLocalCopyIds API to fetch artwork master details. For more information, see Developer Assistance.


Action Command Description For More Information
Create Master Copy Create a master copy element for the product line. Creating a Master Copy
Edit Structured Element Lets you edit a structured copy element. Structured Element Edit
Copy Artwork Element Copies the selected artwork element.

In the Place of Origin box, select the product hierarchy to which you want to copy the artwork element. Type a name for the artwork element, describe it, and click OK.

Create Graphic Element Create a graphic element for the product line. Creating a Master Graphic Element
Add Existing Copy Element Add existing copy element to the product line.

Select a copy element and click OK.

Add Existing Graphic Element Add existing graphic to the product line.

Select a graphic element and click OK.

Remove Artwork Master Remove an artwork element from the product line. If an artwork element is added to a copy list, the artwork element can be removed only if the copy list is in an editable state or the Obsolete state. --
Manage Country Assignments Lets you view the list of available regions and countries.

Select the required regions. From the regions, select the required countries and click Done.

Subscribe Manage the subscription options for an artwork element. --
Create Copy List Creates a copy list. Creating a Copy List
Copy Copy List Creates a copy of the selected copy list.

You can click next to the Place Of Origin box and select a different product line or product to associate the copy list with that object.

For more information about the fields, see Creating a Copy List.

Click Done. The original and the newly created copy lists open for editing.

When you copy a copy list, the instance sequence, sequence number, and notes are copied to the new copy list.

Add Existing Copy List Adds an existing copy list to the product line or product. You can add copy lists that are in the Release state. --
Edit Copy Lists Lets you manage the copy list.

When you revise or remove a copy list from the hierarchy, the changes are visible in the connected POA when the POA is moved to the Preliminary state. Similarly, changes made to the connected POA are visible in the copy list when the POA is moved to the Preliminary state.

Edit Copy Lists Page
Remove Copy List Removes the selected copy list. Click OK to confirm. If the copy list is associated to a POA, you can remove the copy list only if the POA is in the Draft state. --
Delete Delete the selected objects. If an artwork element is added to a copy list, the artwork element can be deleted only if the copy list is in an editable state or the Obsolete state. --
Transfer Ownership Transfers an object to the selected person. --
Enable Edit Edit details of an artwork element. --