Document Properties and Files Page

The properties page for a document lists the values for the object's attributes and lists the files checked into the document. The file list shows on the Properties page for any document type.

If you use the page header or Lifecycle category to demote a document that is in a route, the route status is not changed.

Required access roles: If you have access to the document, you have access to this page.

To access this page, click the document Name from a list or from within the table of a related object. Depending on the specific type of document, clicking its name might open the Properties page or the Files list page instead of the Properties/Files list page. See File List for a Versioning Document.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Page Toolbar Icons

Fields and Columns

The header on this page shows the Title of the document, if one was entered. If the Title field is blank, then the header shows the Name (usually a system-generated name) of the document.

The fields that show in the Properties page vary depending on the type of document object. This table describes the standard fields:

Field Name Description
Document Name or Title If a Title is defined, that name shows in the menu and opens the Properties page (this page). Otherwise, the Name shows in the menu.
Name The name for the document, usually an automatically generated name.
Revision The document's revision level.
Type The object type.
Organization The organization that owns the document.
Collaborative Space The collaborative space that owns the document.
Title The title for the document.
Description The description of the document.
State The current lifecycle state of the document.
Owner The person responsible for the document.
Originated The date the document was created.
Modified The most recent date when the document or its properties or files were modified.
Policy The policy that governs the document's lifecycle.
Access Type How access to the document is controlled. Either Inherited or Specific.
Classification Path The hierarchical structure that locates this document. Only shows if you use IP Classification.
Attribute Groups If the document is classified in a IP Classification class, the Properties page lists the attributes inherited from all attribute groups assigned to that class.
Change Management
Change Required Shows "Enabled; Any Change" or "Disabled."

When disabled, you can use the Lifecycle page to promote the document through its lifecycle states.

When enabled you must use Change Management to manage the promotion and release of the document.

Column Name Description
The lock icon appears if the file is locked.
File Name The name of the file. See File Properties Page.
Ver The file version identifier. See File Versions Page.
Originated The date and time of file creation
Comments Any comments about the file.
Owner The owner of the file.
Format The format of the file.
File Size The size of the file.
Actions The actions you can perform with the file.

Icon Name Action


For 3D files, open in 3DPlay.


Download the file to your local computer. Navigate to the folder or directory you want to contain the file.


View the file in a registered viewer.

Check Out and Lock

Check out the file to your local machine and lock it from other users. Navigate to the folder or directory you want to contain the file.

For Documents governed by the Document Release policy, these access roles have the indicated accesses:

Baseline Access Role Access
Administrator Can check out the Document in any state.
Owner Can check out the Document in any state except Obsolete, but must be logged in with the active organization and collaborative space of the Document.
Leader Can check out the Document in Private, In Work, and Frozen states.
Author and Contributor Can check out the Document in the Private and In Work states depending on the organization and collaborative space of the document.


Check in new version and unlock the file. See Uploading Files.

For Documents governed by the Document Release policy, you only see the update files icon when the document is in the In Work or Private state.

Upload File Upload a new file. See Uploading Files.

For Documents governed by the Document Release policy, the same accesses listed above for check out also apply to check in.


Lock the file without checking it out.


Unlock the file without checking in a new version.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Depending on the apps used, the type of document, and where you accessed it from, you might not see all of these options.

Action Description For More Information
Edit Details Edits the properties. Click Done when finished.

On Japanese keyboards, when you enter a double byte character on a form and press the Enter key, the Enter key submits and closes the form. To change double byte characters to single-byte characters, select the single-byte character from the suggestion list, but do not press Enter.

Download Copies selected files to your local machine without locking them; you can select any number or all the files and they are downloaded in a single zip file. If no files are selected, the app downloads all of the files to a zip file. --
Check Out Copies files to your local machine and locks them on the server. --
Upload Copies a new file from your local machine and checks it into this Document object. Uploading Files
Check In Copies a new version of a checked-out file from your local machine and increments its version. You can only check in files that you previously checked out.
  1. Click Checkin .

    The Update Files dialog box lists those files you had previously checked out. You can update any or all of the listed files.

  2. Click Choose File and navigate to the updated file.
  3. Type any Comments.
  4. Click Done.
Subscribe Subscribes to or unsubscribes from events for the document. Subscriptions Page
Delete This Version Deletes only the current version of the selected file. Click OK to confirm.

If change control is enabled, you cannot delete the document.

For a document in a Bookmark, the folder might or might not connect to the prior version of the document. The connection can only be made if the user who deleted the document also has connect privileges to both the folder and the document for the current state of the prior version of the document.

For baseline behavior, an Administrator can delete the document in any state.

Push Subscription Have other people receive notifications when selected events occur. Pushing Subscriptions
Delete All Versions Deletes all versions of the selected file. Click OK to confirm.

If change control is enabled, you cannot delete the document.

Lock Lock the document without checking any files out. --
Unlock Unlock the document without checking in any new file versions. --
Revise Creates a new revision of the document (including all attribute values but not any checked in files). This action is only available if the selected document is the latest revision in the sequence.

If the document is associated with an incomplete Change Action (for revising), this action is unavailable.

Not available to a user with the Leader access role in a collaborative space other than the one that owns the document.

Revise with Files Creates a new revision of the document including all files checked into it. This action is only available if the selected document is the latest revision in the sequence.

If the document is associated with an incomplete Change Action (for revising), this action is unavailable.

Not available to a user with the Leader access role in a collaborative space other than the one that owns the document.

Cancel Only shows for a services specification or services document in Services Management. Only the owner of a document can cancel it. You can cancel the document in the Create, Draft, and Review states, but once the services specification or services document is released, you cannot cancel it. Services Management User's Guide: About Services Documents
Set Change Required Only shows for a document with change control disabled: enables change control. --
Unset Change Required Only shows for a document with change control enabled: disables change control. If the document has been attached to a change action or change request, you cannot disable change control. --
Transfer Ownership Lets you transfer ownership to a new person, organization, or collaborative space. Moving Content (Transferring Ownership)