The name of the part family. |
The type of the part family. |
Primary Image
Shows the primary image associated with the part
family. |
A title for the part family. |
Details about the part family. |
The current lifecycle state of the part family.
Person to whom management of the part family is
currently assigned. |
Name of the person who created the part family.
Date when the part family was created. |
Date when any attribute of the part family was
last changed. The Modified date changes automatically when changes
are made to the part family attributes. |
The phase assigned to the part family used to
create (generate) subsequent parts:
Possible Phases |
Meaning |
The new part will be created
in the Development phase. |
The new part will be created
in the Production phase. |
Name Generator
When the value is On or True, all parts added to
the family will be automatically named by the system; when Off, you
must enter a name for parts. |
Sequence Pattern
pattern to use following the name of every part included in the part
family. The format must be the same as the policy sequence, and must
end with three periods, for example: 001,002,003...mus |
Prefix Pattern
Pattern of letters and/or numbers at the beginning
of every part name that identifies the part family. For example, if
the part family is Screws, the prefix pattern could be
Base Number
Starting number for the part name.
Suffix Pattern
Pattern of letters and/or numbers at the end of
every part name that identifies the part family, for example, -0001.
All parts with the same suffix are members of the same part
Pattern Separator
Character that is used between the prefix and the
part name; also between the part name and the sequence pattern.
Classification Path
When part of a library, the hierarchy where this
family belongs. Select any part of the hierarchy to view the
Properties page for that item.