Part Family Name |
- |
Lists details about the Part Family. |
Part Family Properties
Attribute Groups
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Lists attribute groups added to the part
family. |
IP Classification
User's Guide
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Lists who the part family is shared with. |
Sharing Page
Lists the states for the policy that
governs the part. |
Lifecycle Page
Lists all tasks and signatures required to
promote this part to the next state. |
Tasks/Signatures Page Tab
Lists the approvals required for all
lifecycle states for the part. |
Approvals Page Tab
- |
Shows all parts included in the part
family. |
IP Classification
User's Guide: Parts List
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Shows routes involving the part family and
provides access to create a new route. |
Routes Page and Routes Summary Page
Reference Documents
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Shows documents that provide information
about the part family. |
Engineering BOM Management
User's Guide: Part Family Reference Documents
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Manage the master part for the part
family. |
Engineering BOM Management
User's Guide: Part Series
Sub Part Families
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Shows any sub part families (used to
create a custom hierarchy of part families) added to this
part family. |
IP Classification
User's Guide: Managing Part Families
Referenced By
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Shows the Bookmarks that contain the document. |
IP Classification
User's Guide: Viewing Where an Object Is Used
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Shows the images associated with the Part
Family. |
Images Page
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Shows discussions for the part family. |
Discussions Page for an Object
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Shows a log of all the actions that have
occurred for the Part. |
Viewing History for Content
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Lists the solutions defined for an IP
Block. |
IP Classification
User's Guide: Managing Solutions for an Object
News Bulletins
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Lists the news bulletins for an IP Block. |
IP Classification
User's Guide: Managing News Bulletins
IP Publish Requests
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Lists the IP publish requests for a
classification (Part Family). |
IP Classification
User's Guide: Managing IP Publish Requests