Content of the Report
The report consists of detailed alignment information that are displayed in a table. The information is exported to an output XML file.
The report can be a .html file or an .xls file that consists of the summary and details of a single created alignment. An alignment report is generated based on the date and time. Generating a new report overwrite the previous one. If you modify an alignment, for which a report was created you must generate a new report to account for the modifications. The report displays the following information under specific nodes:
- Position including stationing values
- Geolocated position
- Cumulative distance: The cumulative distance along alignment from start station
- Distance: The distance from previous point
- Elevation: The Z elevation of the point.
- Terrain elevation: The Z elevation of the terrain at this point (only if terrain curve has been selected, else 0).
- Difference elevation: The elevation difference between the point and the terrain. If positive it is embankment (fill) else if it is negative it is excavation (cut).
- Horizontal alignment geometry types and parameters: Alignment lines and curves: types of geometry (line, arc, transition) on horizontal alignment along with geometrical parameters values such as length and radius
- Vertical alignment geometry types and parameters
- Slopes and gradients: Types of geometry on vertical alignment (line, arc) on vertical alignment along with geometrical parameters values such as gradient (in case of line type) and radius.