Creating a UDF-based Typical Cross Section and Associated Object Types for Subgrades

You can create a typical cross section that is an input necessary for the subgrade surface creation. You can also create object types of subgrade types that can be reused in the Road/Railway Subgrade command.

For information about object types, see Building and Civil Assemblies User's Guide: Defining Object Types.

To help you find the reference information you need to use the content delivered along with your app, you can consult the 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Content User's Guide.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: The app optional content is not automatically installed along with the code. Contact your administrator if you must install the files you need. For more information, see Install Optional Content. You can also see Installation and Setup:Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Installing 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Services for the First Time: Installing Services One-by-One: Native Apps: Installing Native Apps: Installing a Native App.
See Also
About Typical Cross Section
Creating or Splitting the Subgrade Layer of an Infrastructure