Comparing the Geometry of Objects

You can view the geometric differences of two objects loaded in Compare.

Depending on your preferences, the 3D viewer displays one of the following:

  • In isolate mode: The geometry comparison for the objects selected in the structure.
  • In select mode: The geometry comparison of the whole model, with the compared nodes highlighted.
For more information, see Choosing Preferences.
  • If you hide some objects from the structure comparison based on their compare status, the 3D viewer is updated accordingly.
  • The expand state of the structure does not impact the objects displayed in the 3D viewer.
  • If you load two unrelated objects in Compare, no object is selected and the 3D viewer displays both roots.
  • The action bar and context menu of the 3D viewer provides commands to define the way you want to view the objects, access a detailed view of sections, or measure items. For more information, see View Section, Tools Section, and Context Menus.

See Also
Comparing the Properties of Objects
  1. Load two objects in Compare. For more information, see Loading Objects in Compare.
  2. If the 3D viewer is not displayed, click the arrow at the upper right of the third panel to expand it.
    The 3D viewer loads the 3D model of the object to be compared and displays a geometry comparison between the two objects:
    Color Code Description
    The object is present only in the left structure.
    The object is present only in the right structure.
    Transparent The object is common to both structures.

    By default, the root object is selected.

  3. To compare the geometry of another object of the structure, click it in the 3D viewer.

    You can click several objects. If you click only one object, the Level Selector command appears in a toolbar to let you select another level of the structure (see below).

    Important: In isolate mode, you can only click the objects displayed in the 3D viewer, and select another level of their structure with the level selector.
    Tip: You can also select the object you want to compare in the structure comparison

    To select an object at another level of the structure with the level selector:

    1. From the toolbar, click Level Selector .
    2. Move along the graduations to explore the structure of the model, and click the graduation bar corresponding to the object you want to select.

      Each bar corresponds to a level in the model's structure from the leaf element (smallest bar) up to the root level (largest bar). Each bar in between represents another level up the tree.

      When you hover over a bar, the corresponding object is highlighted in the model.

    The object is selected in the 3D viewer. In select mode, the selection in the structure comparison and the content of the properties panel are also updated with the current selection.