Loading Objects in Compare

You can load one or several objects in Compare from another app, the search results, or directly from Compare's home page.

Compare's home page also lets you select another revision or duplicate of the object you loaded, or apply a filter on it.


  1. To load one or several objects in Compare, do one of the following actions:
    Search objects from Compare's home page
    1. From the Compass, click Compare.
    2. On Compare's home page, click Open Content.

      A 3DSearch panel appears.

    3. Search for the objects you want to load in Compare.

      For more information, see Using 3DSearch.

    4. Select the objects, and click Ok.
    Start the comparison from another app with the Compare command
    1. In another app (for example, Product Structure Editor), select the objects you want to compare.
    2. From the action bar, click Compare Structure .
    Drag objects from another app or the search results
    1. From the Compass, click Compare, and pin the widget to a dashboard.

      For more information, see Managing Widgets.

    2. In another app or the search results, select one or several objects.
    3. Drag them into Compare, in one of the following sections:
      • Open Revision of Content: Lets you select another revision or duplicate of the object in the Revision Explorer.

        For more information, see Revision Explorer.

      • Open Content: Loads the object you selected.
      • Open Content and Apply Filter: Lets you select or create a filter of the object. You can:
        • Open a saved filter
        • Create a new filter based on attributes or configuration
        • Copy a filter from another revision or from any filter

        For more information, see Advanced Filtering.

      Note: Open Revision of Content and Open Content and Apply Filter are available when you drag one object only.

    If you load one object, it is displayed on the left side of the home page. If you load two objects, one is displayed on the left side, and the other on the right side of the home page.

    The object on the left is the compared object, and the object on the right is the object the left one is compared to.

    Note: You can load an unsaved filter created on the object from Product Structure Editor or Engineering Release, with the Compare Structure command or by dragging it into Compare.

  2. If you loaded only one object, do one of the following actions to load a second object:
    Drop Content Here Lets you drag another object from another app or the search results.

    Select the object and drag it into the right side of the home page.

    Open Revision of ... Lets you select another revision or duplicate of the object on the left.

    Click the command, and select another revision or duplicate in the Revision Explorer.

    For more information, see Revision Explorer.

    Open Filter of ... Lets you select or create a filter of the object on the left.

    Click the command, and do one of the following:

    • Open a saved filter
    • Create a new filter based on attributes or configuration
    • Copy a filter from another revision or from any filter

    For more information, see Advanced Filtering.

    Open Another Content Opens a 3DSearch panel and lets you search for another object.

    1. Search for the object you want to load into Compare.

      For more information, see Using 3DSearch.

    2. Select the objects, and click Ok.

    The object is displayed on the right side of the home page.
  3. Optional: To replace the objects loaded on either side:
    1. Click the arrow next to the object to display the context menu.
    2. Click one of the following commands:
    Replace by Revision Lets you select another revision or duplicate of the object from the Revision Explorer.

    For more information, see Revision Explorer.

    Apply Filter Lets you select or create a filter of the object.

    For more information, see Advanced Filtering.

    Open Another Content Opens a 3DSearch panel and lets you search for another object.

    Switches the sides that the objects are currently assigned.

    Remove Removes the object, and lets you load another one.
  4. Click Compare to start the comparison.

    To remove the loaded objects and go back to Compare's home page, from the Compare section of the action bar, click Clear .