Updating In-Process Models

You can add or change an in-process model and bring it up to date with any manufacturing features.

See Also
About In-Process Model with Part Planning - Simplified Mode
Customizing Preferences
About Supporting a Closed Circular Section Beam

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From the Authoring section of the action bar, click Update In-Process Models .
Connection-related features generate or update based on the defined fabrication rule and fabrication detail tables. To improve performance, by editing Preferences, this allows you not to generate annotations (FTA) for selective features. In the case of the panel, it allows you not to generate attachment line features. Therefore, commands like Update In-Process Models and Edit Features are taking into account these preferences and the total elapse time of the feature generation decreases.

Note: If you have used the Using Identical Part Management of Profiles, then no manufacturing representation has been generated for sub manufactured parts by the Part Planning, the features are generated only for the main manufactured part.