Double-click Generic Machine in the Activities Process tree.
- Part Operation:Multi-turret lathe machine
- Turning Tool Change.1 (turn...
- Tool Change.1 (TODrill D
Specify the following parameters on the Generic Machine dialog box.
- Reference machining axis system
- Design part and rough stock, which allows material
removal simulation later.
Click Generic Machine
The Generic Machine dialog box appears.
Click Mill-Turn Machine
to initialize the machine parameters.
Select the Spindle tab.
By default, The reference machining axis system defined on the Generic Machine is assigned to the spindle.
The tool path points
shown in Simulate or Display dialog box and APT output are with respect to Generic Machine axis system in spindle plane. You can also show tool path points shown in
Simulate or Display dialog box and APT output with respect to turret axis system. For more information,
see Creating a Part Operation. Note:
When the spindle is
selected from the Spindles list, the
corresponding spindle and the associated spindle axis system are
highlighted in the 3D view. For more information, see 3D Feature for Spindles
Select the Turret tab.
Specify the turret name to Upper Turret
When the Local definition is checked, a turning tool axis system is created in
the context of the Manufacturing
Cell. Otherwise, the axis system defined in the machine is used.
When the turret is selected from the list of
Turrets, the corresponding turret and the
associated turret axis system are highlighted in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. See 3D Feature for Turrets
Make sure that the Manufacturing Program called PGM UT is defined on this turret.
Click Add Turret.
Specify Lower Turret as the name for the new
The turret number increments automatically.
Click Turning Tool Axis System
and select an appropriate axis system in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to assign it to the lower turret.
Specify the Turning Tool Axis System,
Axial and Radial axes, and Tool
Change Point parameters.
Make sure that the Manufacturing Program called PGM LT is defined on this turret.
In the Numerical Control tab, make sure that
PPTableSampleMChannel.pptable is referenced in
Post Processor words table.
Click OK to confirm your modifications to the Generic Machine dialog box and return to the Generic Machine dialog box.
Click OK again to confirm your modifications to the Generic Machine.