Using the Machining Wizard

You can use the machining wizard to guide you from setup definition to program validation.

Before you begin: Go to Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Simulation > Machining > NC Machining Apps Common Services > General and select Run the machining wizard when loading a Machining Application check box to show or hide the machining wizard when starting a machining app.
See Also
Importing and Mounting Accessories and Adaptors
Creating a Generic Machine and Managing Its Parameters
Creating a Machining Operation
Creating a Part Operation
Listing and Importing Tools or Tool Assemblies

Context: The following is an example of how to use the machining wizard to create a part operation.

  1. From the Resource Configuration section, click Generic Machine .
    • A PPR Context containing a manufacturing cell is created in the Activities Process Tree.
    • A part operation containing a manufacturing program is created in the Activities Process Tree.
  2. From the Part Operation section, click Edit Part Operation . Double-click the part operation in the Activities Process Tree to define the part and stock.
    A green check appears next to the Part Operation section heading.
  3. In the Tools section, click Import/List Tools to insert tools or tool assemblies from a catalog or database.
  4. Select one icon from the flyout for creating tools to create tools and tool assemblies.

You can now create a machining operation.