Load PPR Objects from Manufacturing Finder Without Any Resulting Products
You can load PPR objects from the Manufacturing Finder without
any resulting products.
Open Full PPR Objects
- From navigation, open all objects with the following options.

- All objects (Product + Manufactured
Item) load without any resulting product. The following icon stands for
unloaded resulting product and appears on the tile.

- To load the resulting products on demand, RMB on a tile of the manufactured item and
click Resulting Product, Load Resulting
Product context menu. Or click Load Resulting
Product in Authoring
action bar after selecting a manufactured item.
- The Information dialog appears with the message,
Loading Resulting Products and all commands are unavailable
until the operation is completed but the interaction with the viewer is still possible.
The Stop allows you to interrupt the current operation (load of
resulting products). It takes time depending on the server status and the size of the
resulting products in the database (DB).
- After loading, the message, Successfully resulting products
appears on the right corner of the application and then the tiles refresh.

- Open a resulting product of the root Manufacturing Assembly in
the new tab, the resulting products open in the session.

Open Partial MBOM
- From the navigation, open visible objects with the following options.

- Visible objects (Product + Manufactured
Item) load without any resulting product.

- To load the resulting products on demand, RMB on a tile of the manufactured item and
click Resulting Product, Load Resulting
Product context menu. Or click Load Resulting
Product in Authoring
action bar after selecting a manufactured item.
- The Information dialog appears with the message,
Loading Resulting Products and all commands are unavailable
until the operation is completed but the interaction with the viewer is still possible.
The Stop allows you to interrupt the current operation (load of
resulting products). It takes time depending on the server status and the size of the
resulting products in the database (DB).
- After loading, the message, Successfully resulting products
appears on the right corner of the application and then tiles refresh.

- Open a resulting product of the root Manufacturing Assembly in
the new tab, the resulting products partially open in the session.

Load Resulting Product Command
This loads either;
- Resulting products for all manufactured items in the session when no selection

- Resulting products for selected manufactured items in the session

When a manufactured part aggregates, two transforms it selects and the command starts,
the resulting products of the manufactured part and the children transforms the load in
the session.

Selecting a child manufacturing assembly and launching the command, the resulting
products for children of selected manufacturing assembly and their parents load in the
session. Not loading are other manufacturing assemblies that are in the same hierarchy.
Representations like drawing and 3DShape aggregated under the resulting products load as

Generate Manufactured Items Without Any Resulting Product
Manufactured items generate for input products with no resulting product by default
through Generate MBOM, Synchronization Manager and
Drag and Drop functionalities. Fewer objects
generate in the session. Therefore, it reduces the elapse time of MBOM generation and

Update Resulting Product Structure for Manufactured Items
You can update the resulting product structure and accessible by context menu of the
selected manufactured item and the Authoring section in the action bar.
In the previous step, manufactured items generate with no resulting product. Thus, the
resulting products create and have the hierarchy (MA structure) because of this.
- Selecting nothing, all manufactured items in the session are candidates to have the
resulting product structure.
- Selecting some manufactured items, then selected items and their direct/indirect
children are candidates.
- When manufactured items do not have any resulting product, the resulting products
generate for these items.
- When manufactured items have resulting products but not loaded yet in the session,
they load in the session first and then the update performs.
- When the resulting products, which, had materialization links with deleted
manufactured items are to delete from the MA structure. When manufactured items do not
load in the session by filtering in the Manufacturing Finder,
they cannot consider as deleted when performing an update.
- When the resulting products of manufactured items generate but do not aggregate under
the parent resulting product, they take into account by the command.
Visualization of Auxiliary Viewer
When the Auxiliary Viewer initializes, Show Assigned
Parts as Transparent and Unassigned Parts is specify by default. In the case of
assigned parts, products, which implement by manufactured items visualize instead of resulting
products because they do not load yet in the session. However, once the resulting products
load in the session, they visualize in the Auxiliary Viewer instead of
the products. In the case of unassigned parts, products, which do not implement by any
manufactured item visualize as usual.

Part List in Auxiliary Viewer
Earlier in the Product tab of Part List,
parts in Mfg Item State were input product aggregated under the
resulting product. Since no resulting product loads in the session, the input product views as
a Mfg Item State if assign to the manufactured item. Context menus for
this kind of parts are working as it is.

Fasten items are displayed in the Item tab of the Part
Common Message Box
The common message box appears when following commands, which are requiring a
resulting product start. Capable Resource List, Extract Production Drawing, Open Workshop
Document and Plug In Design Features.
The message box asks you to load the resulting products on demand to use the commands. This
appears only when the resulting product of some manufactured item does not load yet in the
Interaction of the message box:
- The dialog is modal.
- Enter key equals to clicking Yes.
- Esc key equals to clicking No.
- Detail message is seen/hidden when clicking Expand/Collapse.
- Check box allows you to save the preference.
- After selecting the box and clicking Yes or
No, the dialog box disappears. The resulting products load or
not from the next time according to the option.
- This is cleared by default.
- Remove
DELShipMfgLoadResultingProductPreference.CATPreferences file
to restore the option.

Capable Resource in Auxiliary Viewer
Selecting Show Capable Resource, the panel appears with the list
of capable resources in the session.
After selecting a row in the list and the resulting product of manufacturing assembly does
not load in the session, the common message box appears. Clicking
Yes, the resource and resulting product appear in the
Auxiliary Viewer.

Otherwise, only the resource is visualized in the Auxiliary Viewer
and a warning message is seen in Capable Resource List panel at the
Manage Auxiliary Parts Command
This does not load or open any resulting product.
Launching and trying to have new auxiliary parts, then new provided parts create and the
resulting products create as well.
If the parent manufacturing assembly has a resulting product and it is in the session, the
resulting products of the new auxiliary parts are aggregated under the MA.
Deleting auxiliary parts does not take into account the updating of the resulting product,
clicking Update Resulting Product Structure afterward if required.

Plug in Design Features
You can start this and select a manufacturing assembly that no resulting product
loads yet.
Selecting Plug In-Design Features, and selecting the assembly, the
Unloaded Resulting Product dialog box appears. Selecting
Yes, the resulting product of selected manufacturing assembly loads
in the session and adds a row for the input.

Select No. The resulting product does not load in the session and it
does not consider it as input for this command. A warning message appears, The
Resulting Products of Manufactured Items are not loaded.
Extract Production Drawing
After launching the Extract Production Drawing and selecting a
manufacturing assembly and its resulting product does not load in the session, the
Unloaded Resulting Product appears.
Selecting Yes, the resulting product of selected manufacturing
assembly loads in the session and adds a row for the input.
Selecting No, the resulting product does not load in the session. It
is not considered as input for this command with a following warning message, The
Resulting Products of Manufactured Items are not loaded.
Open Workshop Documents
After launching the Open Workshop Documents and selecting a
manufacturing assembly, which has a drawing and an unloaded state, its resulting product does
not load in the session. The Unloaded Resulting Product
Selecting Yes, the resulting product of selected manufacturing
assembly loads in the session and the documents are retrieved and displayed in the

Otherwise, the warning message appears at the bottom of the panel. The BOM
XML can retrieve although no resulting product loads.
Synchronization Manager
After launching the Extract Production Drawing and selecting a
manufacturing assembly and its resulting product does not load in the session, the
Unloaded Resulting Product appears.
See About Synchronization Manager and Revising a Fasten Item with Synchronization Managerfor more information on Resulting

When the option for the resulting product is OFF, then the option
for revision is disabled. Revised status is considered as deleted status when the option is
Computing with the option ON, the resulting products of manufactured
items load. Here is available status and actions after computation.
- Option ON
- New – Create/None:
- No manufactured item for product found. Sync performs manufactured item and
resulting product creation.
- New – Update/None:
- No resulting product for manufactured item found. Sync performs a resulting
product creation.
- Resulting product exists but isolates somewhere. Sync performs correct
- Modified – Acknowledge/None:
- Manufactured item has resulting product and changes of input product detected.
Sync performs update of time stamp on manufactured item.
- Deleted – Delete/None:
- Manufactured items with no implement link. Sync performs manufactured item and
resulting product deletion.
- Revised – Reroute/None:
- Finding a broken implement link, revisions of input product and product
aggregated under the resulting product are equal. Sync performs rerouting the
implement link.
- Revised – Revise/None:
- Finding a broken implement link, revisions of input product and product
aggregated under the resulting product are not equal. Sync performs new revision
creation and replacement of it.
- Revised – Review/None:
- Finding a broken implement link, but revision computation is impossible because
the resulting product is out of existence. Sync performs nothing for this action,
Set Revision step is mandatory for further process.
Details are:
- Up-To-Date – None:
- Manufactured item and resulting product are existing.
- Option OFF
- New – Create/None:
- No manufactured item for product found. Sync performs manufactured item
- Modified – Acknowledge/None:
- Manufactured item has resulting product and changes of input product detected.
Sync performs loading of the resulting product and update of a time stamp on the
manufactured item.
- Deleted – Delete/None:
- Manufactured items with no implement link. Sync performs manufactured item
deletion. Resulting product structure updates manually by the command.
- Up-To-Date – None:
- Manufactured item is existing for product.
When the option is ON and a product is yet assigned to any
manufactured item and click Compute, the result.
Status |
Action |
Parent |
Product1.A |
None |
New |
Create |
--- |
Clicking Synchronize, the result is as following. A new manufactured
item creates for the product and its resulting product also creates for the manufactured
Status |
Action |
Parent |
Product1.A |
MfgPart1.A |
Up-To-Date |
None |
--- |
When the option is OFF and a product is not yet assigned to any
manufactured item and click Compute, the result.
Status |
Action |
Parent |
Product2.A |
None |
New |
Create |
--- |
Click Synchronize, the result. As the option is
OFF, only a manufactured item generates for the given product.
Other manufactured items, which have no resulting product are
Up-To-Date in this case.
Status |
Action |
Parent |
Product2.A |
MfgPart2.A |
Up-To-Date |
None |
--- |
When the option is ON, click Compute again,
the result. After synchronization, the Status is
Status |
Action |
Parent |
Product1.A |
MfgPart2.A |
New |
Update |
--- |
For Modified Status, the matrix change does not detect it by the
Compute operation when loading a resulting product of the
manufactured item in the session. However, other changes like attribute value modification
or geometry change are detected as normal by Compute operation.
Modified Status by |
Detectable when output is unloaded |
Matrix Change |
No |
Attribute value modification |
Yes |
Geometry Change |
Yes |
Set Parent context menu is disabled when a selected row is
Specify Revision
This menu mainly focuses on Revised status and
Review action in Synchronization Manager.
However, it is available for all actions of Revised status.
RMB on a row for revised status. In this scenario, select six rows for revision and then
click the context menu. The new dialog appears for selected rows.

There are 3 columns:
- Manufactured Item: Current manufactured item.
- Candidate: List of revisions for the current manufactured item,
the value can modify by the field selection. By default, the best candidate appears for
the given manufactured item.
- Action: the action updates according to the current manufactured
item and the candidate manufactured item. Available actions are;
- Reconnect
- Replace by New Revision
- Replace by Existing Revision
Clicking OK, Review action updates to
Revise action and Synchronize takes into
account the actions. Otherwise, Review action stays as it is.