What's New

This section describes recent changes in Heavy Industry Manufacturing.

This page discusses:

R2022x GA

Generate MBOM with Multiple Processes
Earlier Generate MBOM is done by a single process and takes long to complete for the large number of parts. Now you can generate items for big parts with multiple processes and complete this task as soon as possible.

For more information, see Generating MBOM my Multiple Processes.

Generate MBOM by Multiple Processes
This enables scope link creation between product assembly and assembly item by Generate MBOM, Synchronization Manager, drag-and-drop assignment functionality and you can reuse assembly items for other contexts.

For more information, see Scope Link Creation on Assembly Item.

Digger in the Part List
This function enables you to use the Digger functionality in Part List. It allows you to dig-in/dig-in all/dig-out/dig-out all the parts in the Part List and it affects the auxiliary viewer.

For more information, see Viewing and Filtering the Part List.

Benefits: In Heavy Industry Manufacturing and Heavy Industry Process Planning, you cannot see the status of the resulting product. They must verify the resulting product status through indirect approaches like using context menu, icon on a tile, and it is annoying to verify a huge number of parts. To solve this problem, Part List displays the status of the resulting products in the Item tab and then verify the status of the resulting product with other PLM attributes.

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Bundle of Fasteners in Heavy Industry Manufacturing
This supports the bundle fastener model by improving the User interface improvement for Generate MBOM, Rule based MBOM, Generation List, and Action Rule List. The enhanced window displays the result of two layers, the front and camera layer.

For more information, see Using Generate MBOM with Bundle Fasteners.

Benefits: Structure Detail Design application integrated the Bundle Fastener model, which was introduced in the Fastening application. This integration may impact you and now it also supports the Bundle Fastener model.