What's New

This page describes recent changes in Derived Format Converter.

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Asynchronous UDL Output

Earlier the UDL Derived Output was generated sequentially during the save process and now they generated asynchronously on both the cloud and on-premises platforms for SOLIDWORKS CAD origin.
On the cloud only: A cloud service is used for generating UDL's asynchronously.

On premises only: The Derived Format Converter is used for generating UDL's asynchronously.

Benefits: This improves the save performance.

Derived Output Formats for SOLIDWORKS

You can now generate STEP and XCADPivot derived outputs for SLDPRT.
You can generate the conversion rules from the Admin Console, which provides the support to convert the STEP or XCADPivot derived formats based on conversion parameters (for STEP only) and events such as OnDemand and OnPromote.

The STEP and XCADPivot formats are not required the installation of SOLIDWORKS CAD. They can be generated with only the Derived Format Converter installation.

Benefits: This enables that the STEP AP242 geometry format is shared with the suppliers.
For more information, see Derived Formats

Converting Polyhedral Data to ExactGeometry

3DEXPERIENCE CATIA design data, which have the polyhedral feature is not converted to the ExactGeometry linkable derived output.
When you convert 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA design data, which has the polyhedral feature data to the ExactGeometry linkable derived output asynchronously, the error message related to the polyhedral geometry is added in the DWCConverterReport.err file.
Benefits: This prevents generating the empty ExactGeometry linkable derived output CATPart file.
For more information, see Derived Output Jobs

Assigning a Unified Format

A unified format is assigned for all the Derived Output Conversion Rules from the Derived Format Management tab in the Parameterization Console.
The unified format cannot be edited. By default, it is computed and assigned when a Derived Output Conversion Rule is created.
Benefits: This enables that the unified format is shared across the different xCAD definitions irrespective of CADOrigin and source type.

Administration: Configuring Derived Format Management

When configuring Derived Format Management, the Create Conversion Rule dialog box is now updated for ease of use.
The Platform Administrator can now create the Derived Format Conversion Rules for On Save Event for the SOLIDWORKS CAD origin using the Administrator Console.
Benefits: This enables that the details are not required to manage from the client side.
For more information, see Configuring Derived Format Management