Open the required map.
Add additional topics. You can use any combination of these methods:
- Create new topics, see Creating Topics.
- Search for existing topics, follow these steps:
- Click .
- In the Select a Topic dialog box, enter text to search
for the name of the topic.
- Select the required topic and click Insert.
- Right-click a topic in the map and select the Insert
Topic option for where you want to add the topic, then
Existing Topic.
Rearrange topics as required.
- Drag topics to new locations.
- Drag a topic to the right without changing vertical location to indent
- Drag a topic to the left without changing vertical location to outdent
To exclude a topic from inclusion in a published file, right-click the topic
and select Exclude from Rendering
The topic remains in the map, but if you publish the map, the topic not
included in the published file. If you want to remove the exclusion, right-click
the topic and select Include in Rendering
To remove any unrequired topics, right-click the topic and select
Remove Topic.
Manage and select the revisions of the topics in your map.
For more information, see Working with Revisions.
Click Save
To publish the map as a single file, click .
The app creates a new publish request and generates a PDF file of the map. For more
information, see Publishing Document Maps.